You Never Forget A Love, You Learn To Live Without It

We cannot allow the memory of a love to keep us from being happy again. We must assimilate it as a teaching that allows us to mature, overcome and advance.
You never forget a love, you learn to live without it

No love is the same and we do not always love in the same way. Every relationship we have throughout our lives is unique and exceptional, even if its end is full of sadness and some disappointment. You never forget a love, but you learn to live without it.

At the end of a relationship, many hope that the next one will meet all their expectations. However, forming a couple also means building a day-to-day relationship, respecting the differences. Love is the most complex emotion that human beings can experience. Its impact on the brain is so intense that it is impossible to forget any relationship from the past.

Love is lived; sometimes we get lost, but we never forget: we learn to live without that person who made us happy.

You never forget a love

You never forget a love

There are loves that hurt us, that change and that make us not want to fall in love again. It shouldn’t be like that. You should not give someone so much power that you close the doors of your happiness.

When something ends, we have to go through a pain process necessary to move on. This is stated by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Living relationships, whether positive or negative, must be accepted, overcome and integrated into the life cycle as meaningful experiences from which we can learn.

The love we lost and that made us happy

First, we will address the significant relationships that have made us happy at some point in our lives. We should see them as a gift, even if the end is full of sadness.

  • We are left with the lived experience. It brought us joy and happiness was worth it. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to close that door without regrets, without bitterness.
  • Always try to remember the good side of that love. If you limit yourself to that traumatic ending, the pain will weigh more.
  • People spend much of their lives thinking about the past. This is a big mistake.
  • What is the use of focusing on pain if there have been moments of happiness? Smile!

The love that has hurt us in the past

Woman going through a breakup


There are loves that hurt. Closing the doors to new loves just because someone has hurt us in the past is like refusing to approach roses because they have stung us.

  • The purpose in this life is to be happy. It doesn’t matter how we get this happiness. Don’t turn down new opportunities just because you had an unpleasant experience.
  • The pain that hurts is never forgotten, but it will hurt less and you will learn to live with a memory that does not paralyze, that does not limit.
  • Accept that in love, as in life, there are good people and people who are not so good at opening their hearts and forming a couple.
  • Don’t personalize the pain. Do not become your own enemy or your own suffering. A relationship from the past is yesterday and you have to learn to eliminate negative emotions: resentment, guilt, anger…
  • Keep climbing the ladder of life. Loves are lived with intensity. When we lose them, we regret them for a certain period of time… Then only the memory remains.

That memory must be positive, like a love worth living, like a love from which we learned. Everything is experience, everything is lived life.

Love is a useful adventure as long as it is lived in a mature and conscious way.

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