Win The Sympathy Of Others With 9 Scientifically Proven Tricks

In order to make those around you like you, you must first of all not pretend to be someone else. Sooner or later, the truth will come out.
Win the sympathy of others with 9 scientifically proven tricks

Each of us is a social being, who feels the need to be liked by those around him. Read our article and win the sympathy of others with some scientifically proven tricks!

The human brain is programmed to make connections with other people for several reasons. The need to survive is not the only important factor. We long for positive emotions that will help us grow, dispel our fears and allow us to learn every day.

You certainly know that it is not always easy to win the sympathy of others and establish connections with them. Sometimes we isolate ourselves alone and do not develop the social skills necessary to initiate new romantic or friendship relationships.

Win the sympathy of others with 9 tricks explained in our article. Their effectiveness has been scientifically proven. Opt for the advice that best suits your personality and don’t forget that you always have to be yourself.

Win the sympathy of others with the following 9 tricks

1. Don’t over-compliment

Avoid making this mistake. Try not to fall into the trap of praising someone so much that you start attributing invented qualities to them just to make them look friendlier. This approach is doomed to failure.

When it comes to compliments, you have to be subtle. Sometimes “less means more.” This idea is supported by the theory of profit and loss in interpersonal attraction.

Compliments are considered valuable only if they are offered from time to time. If you give them too much, your credibility will be questioned and you will not win the sympathy of others.

Gaining the sympathy of others is necessary for new friends

2. Show your flaws, but only from time to time

No doubt you noticed this behavior too. When a certain individual emphasizes how careless, clumsy or forgetful he is, he manages to establish a certain relationship of intimacy with the people around him.

It is very easy to identify with this behavior. “Imperfect” people to some extent seem “more human.” We manage to empathize with them almost instantly.

Numerous experiments have proved this reality. Someone who drops their cup of coffee when they enter a room, who stumbles or who says something wrong frequently will be more pleasant than a seemingly infallible individual.

3. Get closer, touch from time to time, but be subtle to win the sympathy of others

To win the sympathy of others, the last thing you want to do is invade their personal space. Don’t “cling” to anyone in an excessive way. Otherwise, you risk creating discomfort and being rejected.

  • But subtle behaviors that demonstrate trust or closeness can make a good impression.
  • A light pat on the shoulder or an almost imperceptible caress on the arm can establish an instant emotional connection.

4. Try to see others as they see themselves

You have to learn to be intuitive. We all have a certain self-image. If others treat you as if you were a different person than you think you are, you will reject them, won’t you?

If the person in front of you is confident, brave and extroverted, don’t make him feel like you see him as shy and hypersensitive. Be smart, observe and apply the famous theory of self-validation.

Reciprocity is essential to win the sympathy of others

5. Let others talk about themselves and LISTEN to them

Creates a suitable space for communication. Let others talk about themselves and be receptive. Show that you are interested in what they have to say.

  • To win the sympathy of others, you need to be more empathetic and emotionally open. One of the best strategies for making connections with another person is to make them feel that they can talk to you about their life.

Harvard University has published an interesting study on this behavior. The regions of the brain associated with motivation and a sense of reward are activated when you share information about yourself. From an emotional point of view, it is beneficial to be open and listen.

6. “Copy” something from the person in question

This trick does not involve neglecting your personality and imitating someone else. You don’t have to put that much effort into it.

  • Make connections and gain the sympathy of others by following these tricks. Establishing affinities and similarities with the people concerned will be of great use to you.
  • New York University has defined this behavior as the “chameleon effect.” If you imitate certain gestures, words or behaviors of the person in front of you, it will be much easier for you to establish a connection with him or her.

7. Reveal a secret and you will win the sympathy of others

Is there a better way to connect with another person? When you are open with others, you build an intimate foundation necessary to have emotional connections with them. This foundation is essential to strengthen any relationship.

  • People reveal secrets about themselves to friends and life partners.
  • The technique of self-revelation must be practiced with care.  Be intuitive and don’t share your secrets with anyone.
  • Be careful and, in addition to following your heart, listen to your intuition and mind.
Emotional openness is needed to win the sympathy of others

8. Make friends with their friends

We must emphasize again that in order to win the sympathy of others, you do not need to pretend or hide your personality. To be pleasant, it is enough to show interest in the things that define the person in front of you.

  • In these situations, you will be more successful if you manage to make friends with that person’s friends.
  • Think how wonderful it is when your partner gets along with your friends. We all have certain important people in our lives.
  • If your personal connections are in harmony with each other, you will enjoy a more fulfilled and happy life.

Researchers have called this the “triadic axis.” The more friends you have in common with a certain individual, the better your chances of becoming friends. Follow these tricks and gain the sympathy of others effectively.

9. Always be in a good mood to win the sympathy of others

Positive emotions are very strong. A smile or a smile can lighten our souls, generating positive emotions or even love.

A positive attitude helps to win the sympathy of others

Remember, if you want to win the sympathy of others, don’t just talk about your problems and fears. Don’t allow your dark clouds to depress those around you. He practices the art of contagious emotions, which is always successful. Make the one you want to impress laugh and see that you know how to make the most of every moment.

Emotions are strong when it comes to forming bonds. It generates positive energy, turns weights into light things. Follow these tricks, learn to communicate from the heart and thus win the sympathy of others!

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