Why Is It Good To Sleep On The Left Side?

When you sleep on the left side, your organs work much better. Among other benefits, this sleeping position helps to improve circulation and digestion. 
Why is it good to sleep on the left side?

On which side of the body do you usually sleep? On the right or on the left? Or can he sleep face up? Experts say that it is best to sleep on the left side. Here is the explanation.

5 benefits of the habit of sleeping on the left side

The title of this article may have taken you by surprise. Maybe you are one of those people who have not thought until now if the sleeping position is more or less beneficial to the body. It seems that the sleeping position is still an important aspect.

The truth is that oriental medicine has long advised us to sleep on the left side. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology shows this in some principles explained by Dr. John Douillard.

In this article, we will give you a brief summary so that you can put these tips into practice. We are sure that we will be able to convince you that it is good to sleep on the left side.

1. Stimulates lymphatic drainage

Dr. Douillard argues that sleeping on the left side is the most natural sleeping position. On this side is the lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage takes place here.

The lymphatic system carries important elements such as protein, glucose, metabolites and all the elements that need to be filtered and drained on the left side.

So, remember, the first reason to opt for sleeping on the left side is the proper functioning of the lymphatic system.

2. If you sleep on the left side, you have better digestion

If you didn’t know, both the stomach and the pancreas are mainly on the left side of the body. If you sleep on this side, you will have a better digestion. It is a way to better direct the digestive juices to the stomach and to promote the secretion of pancreatic enzymes.

Therefore, sleeping on the left helps the stomach to work gradually and not do everything at once, as happens if we sleep on the right side.

3. For heart health

The habit of sleeping on the left side is good for the heart

You are surprised? Surely. This study shows that over 80% of the heart is on the left side of the body, which is why, if we sleep on this side, we will be healthier.

Another aspect worth considering is the fact that, in order to reach the abdomen, the aorta leaves the heart area, creating an arch towards the left side of the body. If we sleep on this side, the heart will pump blood easier and better.

4. Do you usually take another nap?

If you have a habit of taking another nap during the day or after eating more at the table, remember to lie on your left side. In this way, you help your digestion.

You will wake up much more energized, without feeling tired and without your stomach hurting. Try it and you will see how good you will feel.

5. For spleen health

Sleep on the left side to improve your digestion

The spleen is also on the left side of the body. This organ is a fundamental part of the lymphatic system, being necessary for its proper functioning and for the filtration of the blood.

If you sleep on the left side, the fluids will be directed more easily to the spleen.   Most of the lymphatic system works on this side.

Now you know, for your health, it is recommended to sleep on the left side. How about starting today?

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