What Is Herpetophobia And How Can It Be Overcome?

The fear of reptiles and some amphibians is, to some extent, adaptive. However, when this fear is exaggerated, the consequences can be severe.
What is herpetophobia and how can it be overcome?

Arachnids, reptiles and amphibians are the animals that cause the most discomfort to humans, especially because of the threat they pose. However, in some people the fear can be irrational and exaggerated, ie a phobia. What is herpetophobia? Herpetophobia is the disproportionate fear of reptiles and some amphibians. The most unpleasant animals are snakes, lizards and frogs.

In this article, we will focus on this disorder and tell you how it can be overcome.

What is herpetophobia and how common is it?

Phobias are a relatively common anxiety disorder. Many people may experience a phobia at some point in their lives.

In terms of animal disorders, arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and herpetophobia are proving to be the most common. In adaptive terms, it is logical to fear certain animals that pose a certain danger.

What is the cause of herpetophobia?

The causes of herpetophobia are diverse. These include the following:

A traumatic experience

An unpleasant experience with a reptile or amphibian can cause people to associate the animal with feelings of fear or pain. For example, someone who has been bitten by a snake may develop a fear. The traumatic experience can be an encounter with a lizard or a snake, without the animal posing a danger to the person’s integrity.

A person bitten by a snake
If we have ever been attacked by an animal, there is a possibility that in the future we will develop a phobia.


We may learn to fear specific things, especially at an early age. For example, if one of our parents is very afraid of lizards, we too may become afraid of them.

In turn, the cultural environment influences a person’s perception of reptiles and amphibians. Snakes are often present in mythology, folklore and religious texts around the world.

For example, this study investigated attitudes towards the protection of reptiles and amphibians in Portugal. Negative impressions or folklore involving these animals led to persecution and anti-conservation attitudes.


Genetics can contribute to the development of specific phobias. Children of people suffering from an anxiety disorder are more likely to develop phobias.

In turn, the fear of reptiles is a product of the legacy left by our ancestors. Those who reacted fearfully to these animals had an adaptive advantage to avoid any harm by running away.

How is herpetophobia expressed?

The main symptom of herpetophobia is intense fear or overwhelming anxiety generated by reptiles or amphibians. These feelings are often disproportionate to the real threat. In addition, the person concerned shall state:

  • Tachycardia
  • Sweating
  • shaking
  • Difficult breathing
  • Chest pressure
  • Feeling bad

The person with herpetophobia may experience these symptoms in the following situations:

  • Think of a reptile or amphibian.
  • Listen to other people talking about reptiles or amphibians.
  • See a photo or video of the animals he fears.

The person with herpetophobia will do everything possible to avoid contact with the dreaded reptiles and amphibians. This can lead to significant disruptions to daily life and activities.

When to seek professional help?

A good indicator of when you should seek help is significant disruption to your life.

This fear is not so important because we do not encounter reptiles or amphibians every day. If even a bag or shoes that mimic crocodile skin causes anxiety, the disorder is obvious. Therefore, it is time to seek treatment.

Woman who knows what herpetophobia is

Treatment available

The most effective treatment for specific phobias is psychological therapy. Fortunately, herpetophobia is one of the phobic disorders that can be successfully treated with a low recurrence rate.

Among the most effective psychological treatments are the following:

  • Exposure therapy: consists of slow and progressive exposure to the dreaded reptiles and amphibians. For example, the patient is asked to think about reptiles in the first session, in order to actually hold a reptile in his hand in subsequent sessions. Relaxation techniques are used to deal with anxiety.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Often used in conjunction with exposure therapy, the purpose of CBT is to help identify and reshape negative thought patterns and fear-inducing emotions.

Overcoming herpetophobia

If you suffer from herpetophobia, acquiring the following habits can help you overcome it. Of course, do not forget that psychological treatment should be the main alternative:

  • Try different ways to reduce stress, such as yoga and meditation.
  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, as they can fuel feelings of anxiety.
  • Adopt healthy lifestyles, such as a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest.

Talk to others about how you feel. A support group can help you connect with people who also have certain phobias.

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