What Is Diabulimia? Diabetes And Bulimia

Diabulimia, a recently coined term for diabetes and bulimia, involves the risk factors of both a major endocrine disease and an eating disorder.
What is diabulimia?  Diabetes and bulimia

What is diabulimia? Diabetes and bulimia

In this case, we will refer to type I diabetes, which requires exogenous insulin intake, because the patient’s pancreas cannot synthesize the required amount.

Therefore, lack of insulin is an important factor in weight loss in these patients. This is due to the fact that insulin is needed to transport glucose molecules into cells for their proper functioning. When there is no insulin, the sugar remains in the bloodstream until it disappears. The kidneys usually eliminate it, but weight loss occurs, which is sometimes extreme.

Under normal conditions, young patients with type I diabetes begin to regain weight after diagnosis and permanent treatment with insulin, accompanied by a strict diet established by the doctor. However, a person with diabetes will take advantage of the action of insulin on his metabolism to have an excessively low weight instead of regaining his optimal health and weight.

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Patient pattern

  • Young women diagnosed with type I diabetes at an early age.
  • Intelligent young people with very good academic results and perfectionist aspirations.
  • People who come from complex family backgrounds, where there are often conflicts, unrealistic expectations and emotional and communication deficiencies.
  • People affected by depression. Often, it is not clear which condition first appeared: depression or diabulimia.


Man with diabetic foot
In patients with diabetes, the negative effects of insulin-dependent diabetes are accelerated.

Now that we have established what diabulimia is, let’s see what effects it has on the human body.

Factors that may indicate the presence of diabulimia

Many scientists recommend that the family and doctor of patients with type I diabetes monitor certain factors, especially those that may lead to suspicion of an eating disorder. These include:

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