What If You Have Low Iron Levels?

When iron levels are low, iron deficiency anemia can occur. The main symptoms of this problem are fatigue and weakness. In some cases, it may hide a bigger problem. Therefore, early detection is particularly important.
What happens if you have low iron levels?

Iron is a basic element in the human body. It is part of hemoglobin, which is the molecule that allows red blood cells to take up oxygen and distribute it to all cells in the body. Oxygen is essential for bodily functions. Therefore, when iron levels are low, this leads to negative consequences on the body.

Low iron levels are often confused with anemia. But this is not the case, as there are many types of anemia that occur for other reasons. What is true is that iron depletion is indeed associated with iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. Both this deficiency and iron deficiency anemia can have serious health consequences. Therefore, in this article, we will explain everything you need to know about this issue.

What happens if you have low iron levels?

To know what happens when iron levels are low, you must first know what the healthy values ​​are. The normal level of iron circulating in the blood is between 50 and 150 mg / dl.

However, there are several forms of iron storage in the body. Ferritin is a protein responsible for storing iron and we must take into account its values ​​when measuring total iron.

The truth is that there are many causes of this deficit. Most cases occur in women due to menstruation. With the loss of blood, there is a decrease in iron levels.

You should also keep in mind that we get this product from food. In fact, we find it mainly in the flesh. For this reason, certain eating habits, such as a vegetarian diet, can cause a deficit.

The same happens when there is a digestive problem that prevents us from absorbing iron. For example, low iron is one of the first symptoms of celiac disease or other chronic digestive diseases, such as Crohn’s disease.

Blood test for low iron levels

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

What to do if your iron level is low

Woman with low iron level
Low levels of iron in the blood cause excessive fatigue.

The most important thing is to consult a doctor frequently and, even more so, for any of the symptoms mentioned above. With a simple blood test, you will be able to check your iron level and know if it is low or not.

To solve this problem, it is essential to adopt an appropriate diet. Experts recommend eating legumes, meat, fish and eggs. The truth is that if your diet is balanced and healthy, then this disorder is much less likely.

In many cases, certain tests are needed to find the cause of iron deficiency. For example, digestive endoscopy can be used to check for an ulcer or gastric problem that affects iron levels.

Colonoscopy can be used to rule out bleeding in the final part of the digestive tract. This situation occurs frequently in colon cancer. Anemia in a suspicious patient suggests the presence of the neoplasm.

In some cases, doctors prescribe iron supplements to treat this deficiency. However, it is important to take them only on prescription, as these supplements also have side effects and should be used in moderation.

In conclusion

Low iron levels are not uncommon. Most women suffer from anemia due to iron loss caused by menstruation. In men over 50 years of age with iron deficiency, the presence of colon cancer may be suspected.

It is essential to go to the annual checks to detect any iron level problems. See your doctor regularly so that he or she can request age-appropriate tests and your clinical situation.

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