What Are The Uses Of Saline?

Saline is a simple but very effective substance. It has many uses and, in case of dehydration, can save the patient’s life. In today’s article, we present everything you need to know about this topic.
What are the uses of saline?

Many people know the saline as “saline”. This liquid consists of a simple combination and can be prepared at home. Although some specialists have treated it with skepticism in the past, the uses of saline in the medical field are numerous.

The saline is made up of water and salt. This is its simplicity, for which anyone can prepare it. This solution has a concentration of 0.9%, just like human blood. Due to the identical concentrations, saline is an isotonic preparation. In other words, the blood is no more concentrated than this and vice versa. Therefore, saline can be introduced into the human body without any risk.

The saline was invented in 1896 by Hartog Jacob Hamburger, a Dutch scientist who used it in his research on hemolysis. The inventor of this substance did not intend to use it for medicinal purposes. Eventually, however, the saline gained more use.

Uses of saline

The saline can be used in various ways. We can apply it both externally and internally (by injection into the circulatory system). Here are its main applications:

  • Washing eyes and contact lenses: Experts suggest that the liquid be sterile before being applied to the eyes or contact lenses to prevent bacterial infections. Usually, eye serum is available in small bottles in pharmacies.
  • Wound cleaning: Physiological serum is one of the best solutions for cleaning wounds. Due to its antiseptic agents, it prevents infections.
  • Clogging of the nose: The saline solution is useful against excess mucus that can clog the nose. For this purpose, you can apply it with syringes or inhalers. Saline amplifies the effect of gravitational force on nasal secretions. Doctors prescribe this product to patients with rhinitis or nasal congestion caused by allergies. In addition to stimulating the elimination of secretions, saline is also useful against allergens. Last but not least, it can be included in the necessary antisepsis after surgery on the nose.
  • Hydration of the body: When the human body is dehydrated or hypotensive due to fluid loss, saline can compensate for what has been lost. In such cases, the saline solution is administered intravenously at a rapid rate. This treatment is useful in case of gastroenteritis, deep bleeding and extensive burns.
  • Nebulization: The solution is poured into a nebulizer to create vapors that will enter the airways. Nebulization is useful for patients suffering from the flu, sinusitis and bronchitis.
Child benefiting from the uses of saline

Forms of presentation

The saline solution is available in various forms:

  • Ampoules: They are small and, as long as they remain sealed, sterile. Vials of saline can be transported anywhere, but they lose their sterility if opened. Due to their small size, they can generally only be used once.
  • Drops: They are also used as drops for nebulization.
  • Sprays: They are useful for nasal decongestion. You can buy saline sprays from pharmacies. Like ampoules, they can be transported anywhere.
  • Bottles: They are larger and can be used for purposes that require a larger volume of fluid (for example, for washing wounds or burns).
  • Intravenous infusions: They have several sizes and are used in hospitals. The container is attached to a tube at the end of which there is a needle, which the medical staff inserts into the patient’s vein. Saline infusions support hydration and facilitate medication.
Bottles with saline
Saline is available in several forms. To choose the right option, consider the purpose for which you want to use it.

How to prepare saline at home

As mentioned before, you can prepare this saline solution at home. The following recipe is helpful if you want to treat a minor problem, such as cleaning an already disinfected scar. Keep in mind, however, that the saline prepared in this way will not be sterile.

Simply combine a teaspoon of table salt with 250 ml of water. If you need more solution, follow these proportions. Then you can store the serum in a clean jar. It is valid for 48 hours, after which you must discard it.

Store the solution at room temperature or store it in the refrigerator. Specialists have not been able to determine whether these methods prolong the life of the serum. At the same time, keep in mind that the phrase “room temperature” is relevant only in temperate areas, not in the tropics or during the heat wave.

Now that you have discovered the incredible uses of saline, do not hesitate to use it whenever you need it. This simple and versatile solution can save lives in extreme cases.

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