What Are Allergy Vaccines?

Allergy vaccines do not cover all types of allergens. However, they are a safe and effective treatment to control allergic reactions. They should only be given to a medical center, as they may cause side effects.
What are allergy vaccines?

What are allergy vaccines? These are one of the treatments available for allergic reactions. Sometimes they relieve allergy symptoms. In other cases, they can even eliminate them after a long treatment.

But not everyone can get an allergy vaccine because there are no vaccines available for all forms of allergies. Immunotherapy is a developing field of study.

However, there are currently many myths surrounding these vaccines. Read on to find out what allergy vaccines are, what they are used for and what their side effects are.

What are allergies?

An allergy is an adverse reaction that occurs after ingestion of certain substances or coming into contact with them. The number of substances that can cause allergic reactions is very high. These substances are allergens that cause an excessive side effect in the immune system. In turn, it generates various effects.

Allergies can be mild or severe, and anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction. It appears quickly and its symptoms are fatal.

What are allergy vaccines?

Assistant explaining what allergy vaccines are

Allergy vaccines are a treatment for allergies. Their purpose is to reduce or eliminate a person’s hypersensitivity to certain substances that cause an allergic reaction when contact with them cannot be avoided.

Allergic vaccines also help the body to develop immunity against the elements that generate an allergic reaction. Doctors use immunotherapy only when other treatments or measures are not enough to treat the problem.

How do allergy vaccines work?

Allergic vaccines contain a small amount of allergen that causes a mild side effect. This allergen is present in a purified form inside the vaccine. When the allergen is injected, the body produces antibodies that prevent the allergic reaction.

Gradually, doctors increase the dose until – at best – the body becomes immune to the allergen. Normally, a person needs a period of three to five years for the symptoms to visibly decrease or disappear.

How are allergy vaccines given?

What types of allergy vaccines are there?

There are no vaccines for all types of allergens. For example, using them is not a good idea for food allergies. Vaccines are effective in cases of seasonal allergies, for indoor allergens (mites, mold, beetles or pet hair) and allergies caused by insect bites.

When should you get an allergy vaccine?

Doctor handling a vaccine syringe

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