Visceral And Peripheral Fat – How To Get Rid Of Them

To eliminate visceral and peripheral fat, you will need to change your daily routine. Serve four or five meals throughout the day and get more exercise.
Visceral and peripheral fat - how to eliminate them

You probably already know that visceral fat is a health hazard. Although women tend to suffer more frequently from so-called peripheral fat, both types are dangerous, which is why it is essential to take measures to protect your body.

So how is visceral and peripheral fat formed? What are the factors that contribute to the emergence of these widespread problems? The main causes for the deposition of visceral and peripheral fat are a poor diet and lack of exercise.

Other important factors that we need to consider are genetic inheritance and menopause. In today’s article we invite you to discover some basic information about visceral and peripheral fat, as well as what you need to do to eliminate them.

Visceral fat, a health hazard

Visceral fat endangers your health

Each of us has a certain level of fat in the body. For example, if you feel your thighs, you will notice that you have a subcutaneous layer of fat. Most women have this trait.

But if you feel your abdomen and notice the presence of a slight swelling, it means that there is a dangerous layer of visceral fat around your stomach, intestines and liver. This type of fat can cause serious problems.

Doctors say that men have an increased risk of developing visceral fat. At some point, this fat can cause heart problems, including a heart attack.

Take into account the following aspects:

  • Visceral fat is not inactive. In addition to surrounding the stomach and liver, this type of fat releases harmful toxic substances into the blood.
  • Visceral fat triggers inflammation and can eventually cause arteriosclerosis. Visceral fat can also cause problems in the digestive system and colon, being a common cause of diabetes and certain cancers.
  • Many people do not know that visceral fat can affect our mood. In addition to causing fatigue, general malaise, mood swings, stress and anxiety, this type of fat promotes the onset of some forms of depression that involve increased levels of cortisol in the blood.
  • The mere fact that visceral fat releases toxic substances into the blood is enough to cause a rather serious problem: metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. If you suffer from high blood pressure, find out that visceral fat will exacerbate this condition.

 How do you know if you have visceral fat or not?

Among other things, visceral fat releases toxins into the body

As they get older, men have a higher risk of gaining fat at the waist than women. However, a woman’s body can also store abdominal fat, and many females tend to have high levels of fat on their hips, thighs and legs.

Doctors warn us to keep the following information in mind:

  • Excessive accumulation of fat in the legs does not usually cause symptoms, but it is still a health hazard.
  • If you tend to experience a feeling of heaviness, cramps or numbness in your legs, the arteries in this region may not be as elastic as they should be. Most likely, the fat has accumulated in excess and has already started to cause serious problems.
  • If you are in this situation, it means that you suffer from peripheral arterial disease, a common and very serious disorder. This disease is the consequence of an excess of cholesterol and other fats in the blood, which accumulate on the walls of the arteries that supply the arms and legs with blood.
  • The most negative aspect of peripheral arterial disease is that the symptoms it causes are not always obvious, and this disorder can cause a heart attack or even a stroke.

To protect your health, go to the doctor regularly to measure your cholesterol level.

How to remove visceral and peripheral fat

Exercise helps you burn visceral fat

1. Some important factors

  • If obesity and heart disorders are common in your family, adopt a healthy lifestyle in advance.
  • As soon as you reach the age of 40-45, it is important to adopt the healthiest possible lifestyle. This is the period when cholesterol levels can rise a lot and weight loss becomes more difficult.
  • Remember, visceral fat cannot be removed overnight. There are no “miracle diets” or “magic remedies” to help us do this. Only a doctor can give you the help you need to fix this problem.
  • The support of your family and friends is very important. If you have to adopt a new diet, your loved ones can help you reach your goal. It is recommended that everyone who lives with you adopt a more active lifestyle.

2. The secret to eliminating visceral and peripheral fat

  • Do not completely eliminate fat from your daily diet. There are certain healthy fats that are essential for the human body, such as those in olive oil, salmon, dried fruit and avocado fruit.
  • Do not add salt to dishes. Serve four or five meals a day. They need to be small and frequent so that your metabolism stays active.
  • Increase your intake of soluble fiber:
    • Oat
    • Bran
    • Barley
    • Buckwheat
    • Flaxseed
    • Plums
    • apples
    • Mango
    • Oranges
    • Leek
    • Celery
    • Carrot
    • Cucumber
  • Eliminate salt, white flour, processed foods, pastries and refined sugars from your diet. But eat more vegetables.
  • Physical activity is essential to stay healthy. You do not need to be exhausted, a few simple aerobic exercises are enough to gradually burn fat and keep your heart active. Stand up and walk, dance, climb the stairs and swim.

Get out of the house more often and don’t hesitate to adopt a healthier lifestyle!

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