Types And Treatment For Stuttering

Did you know that there are different types of stuttering? Today we will discover them all and we will also see how this problem can be treated.
Types and treatment for stuttering

Stuttering is a problem that affects the flow of speech. The person who has it repeats words, interrupts his own speech and finds it difficult to speak fluently. In this article, we will discover the main treatment for stuttering and its types.

As the article Focus and Management of Stuttering points out , this problem is characterized by a lack of fluency when speaking. This manifests itself in the form of repetition of words and syllables, prolonged pauses and blockages. But why does this problem arise?

In the article mentioned above, specialists estimate that up to 70% of stuttering cases are related to family history. Therefore, if there is someone in the family who has already had this difficulty speaking, it is likely that other members will have it as well.

Types of stuttering

Child in need of stuttering treatment

Stuttering treatment

Depending on the type of stuttering, the disease will be treated in different ways. If treatment is started early, this problem will improve and allow the child to speak fluently and without interruption.

Therapist offering a stuttering treatment

There are some devices that can help reduce stuttering. The most popular devices at the moment are those that need to be placed in the ear, as if it were a hearing aid. They mimic speech when the patient speaks, as if speaking in unison.

The reason this instrument is a good option is because stuttering often occurs because there is a delay in listening to sounds. This can be a great way to get a visible improvement in the problem.

The best treatment for any type of stuttering is patience

Despite all these treatment options, parents need to take an active role in treating their child’s stuttering. To do this, it is essential to be patient and follow the instructions of professionals. Avoid arguing, talking fast or upsetting your child.

Many people suffer from this problem nowadays, but they can be treated until the stuttering becomes imperceptible. Practicing at home, praising the child, not stressing him out, listening to him and having patience are crucial aspects.

Have you ever stuttered? Is anyone in your immediate environment stuttering? We hope this article has helped you better understand what this disorder is and also how you can help others.

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