Turmeric As A Medicinal Drink

A food very rich in antioxidants that many of us have at hand is turmeric (also known as turmeric). Besides the fact that it has about 300 antioxidants in its composition, this spice, considered to be very beneficial for the body, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Turmeric as a medicinal drink

A diet rich in antioxidants is essential to stop the harmful action of free radicals, molecules that can cause various health problems, including cancer. Turmeric as a medicinal drink has a very strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect,  in addition to many other health benefits.

Used worldwide as an ingredient to cook various dishes, turmeric can also be included in natural remedies, whose purpose is to improve health. In this article we present a recipe for which you will need this ingredient in the form of powder or fresh root.

How can you use turmeric as a medicinal drink?

Use for turmeric as a medicinal drink

The next incredible natural remedy is part of traditional oriental medicine and, thanks to its proven effectiveness, is popular all over the world. All the ingredients you need to prepare it are natural and have a positive effect on the body, being able to relieve pain and prevent the development of diseases.


  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 5 cm (2 inches) of ginger root
  • 5 carrots
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 orange
  • 1 cucumber

How is the drink prepared?

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor until you get a juice. For best results, consume this drink half an hour before breakfast.

Turmeric as a medicinal drink – amazing benefits

Turmeric as a medicinal drink can fight arthritis

Fights arthritis:  turmeric as a medicinal drink has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, being useful against arthritis and its symptoms.

The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, is activated when it is diluted with the other ingredients of the super drink, having the ability to relieve stiffness and inflammation in the joints.

Fights depression and dementia: Some studies in the United States have shown that, among other things, turmeric can reduce the risk of developing dementia and depression. At the same time, it has the ability to relieve certain symptoms of these two conditions.

One of these studies revealed that antidepressants are only 2.5% more effective than turmeric. However, the latter has the advantage of not causing any unwanted side effects.

One of the researchers’ theories claims that this spice can block the secretion of enzymes that increase the risk of developing depression. Moreover, turmeric has the ability to reduce the level of cytokines in the blood, molecules that affect the body’s reaction to stress.

Relieves pain: turmeric acts as a natural analgesic, being able to relieve and control various types of pain. This spice contains NF-kB, a protein capable of activating the body’s defense mechanisms so that it can fight pain.

It has anticancer properties: having a rich content of antioxidants, turmeric can stop the action of free radicals that accumulate in the body and cause many diseases, including cancer.

Turmeric super drink is useful to prevent the development of ovarian, colon, prostate and breast cancer.

Turmeric as a medicinal drink is useful for digestive problems

Other uses of turmeric as a medicinal drink

Treating digestive problems: Turmeric-based super drink has the ability to reduce bloating and relieve gastric hyperacidity and gastritis symptoms. To enjoy this benefit all the time, we advise you to include turmeric in your daily diet.

Prevents heart problems: consumed regularly, turmeric-based super drink can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. It can protect the heart and improve the health of blood vessels.

Supports the elimination of toxins from the body: turmeric-based super drink has cleansing and detoxifying properties. May stimulate the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Super drink is useful to prevent the development of certain diseases and can improve skin health.

Protects the liver: turmeric acts like a bile tonic. Thanks to its rich curcumin content, it has the ability to protect the liver. Various studies have shown that this spice helps eliminate gallstones. Moreover, it facilitates the digestion of fats and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

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