Try A Healthy Diet For A Flat Stomach

You will begin to notice the results of this diet after only a few weeks, if it is accompanied by a physical workout. Show discipline and you will get the much dreamed abdomen!
Try a healthy diet for a flat stomach

A healthy diet for a flat stomach helps you achieve an enviable figure. Many people want to lose weight in the abdominal area, but this goal can be difficult to achieve.

Unfortunately, a lot of fat generally accumulates on the abdomen. At the same time, water retention, constipation and bloating increase its volume, giving it a less pleasant appearance.

Before resorting to “miraculous” methods, we recommend that you adopt a low-calorie diet that supports body functions that allow you to burn fat. In this way, you can reduce the measures in the waist area without causing unwanted reactions in the body.

What do you say? Do you want to try too? Then read on to discover a healthy diet for a flat stomach.

Healthy diet for a flat stomach

Healthy diet for a flat stomach based on raw vegetables

To get rid of your belly, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Therefore, in addition to reducing the calorie intake in your diet, you need to adopt a physical workout. The combination of the two healthy habits helps to speed up the metabolism, improving the process of transforming nutrients into energy sources. Thus, little by little, you lose weight and your abdomen begins to shrink.

Another important aspect to consider is hydration. Daily water consumption stimulates digestion and helps eliminate fluids and toxins that cause bloating.

Foods allowed in a healthy diet for a flat stomach

To follow an effective diet for eliminating abdominal fat, you need to know what foods are beneficial in this process. This way, you can have a varied diet without gaining weight.

For an enviable abdomen, you need to eat the following foods:

  • Green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, lettuce, mangold beets, etc.);
  • Fruits (apples, oranges, strawberries, bananas, etc.)
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans)
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat and fish
  • Oilseeds and seeds
  • Skimmed milk products and vegetable milk (in small quantities)

Foods forbidden in a healthy diet for a flat stomach

Cakes are forbidden in a healthy diet for a flat stomach

For best results, it’s important to limit or avoid eating foods that are low in nutrients but high in saturated fat and sugar.

We are talking here about:

  • Sweets, cakes and other pastries
  • Processed meat
  • Fry
  • Soft drinks and juices
  • Cheeses with a high percentage of fat
  • Soybean or palm oil
  • Whole dairy products
  • preserves
  • precooked

Here are some menu ideas for the whole day based on allowed foods:


Spinach omelet in a healthy diet for a flat stomach
  • Tea and omelet from four egg whites with spinach;
  • A slice of whole wheat bread, a cup of vegetable milk and a boiled egg;
  • A cup of oat milk, a slice of whole wheat bread and a bowl of strawberries and blueberries.

Snack between breakfast and lunch

  • Simple yogurt with a handful of almonds or walnuts;
  • A cup of finely chopped fruit (melon, melon, apple).


Ideas for lunch on a healthy diet for a flat stomach
  • A portion of chicken breast (100 g) and a salad with oil and vinegar dressing;
  • Green salad, a slice of lean meat (100 g), an apple as a dessert;
  • A cup of vegetable soup with pieces of chicken.

Afternoon snack

Healthy diet for a flat abdomen with watermelon
  • A smoothie of melon and strawberry;
  • A portion of baked chicken breast (100 g) with pepper slices;
  • A slice of whole wheat bread with tomato slices and an infusion.


  • Vegetable or chicken soup with two slices of wholemeal toast;
  • A portion of grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli;
  • Two slices of whole wheat bread with turkey breast mixed with baked vegetables.

Other recommended foods

Pineapple is part of a healthy diet for a flat stomach
  • Herbal infusions and spices (ginger, melon, cinnamon, chamomile, basil, etc.);
  • Water (between 6 and 8 glasses a day);
  • Detoxifying fruits (watermelon, papaya, melon, pear, kiwi, etc.).

You will begin to notice the results of this diet after only a few weeks, if it is accompanied by a physical workout. Show discipline and you will get the much dreamed abdomen!

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