Top 3 Uses Of Ginger

Ginger is a spice that can add flavor to dishes. At the same time, according to some studies, some of its compounds can improve the quality of our diets. Remember!
The 3 best uses of ginger

Ginger is a thick and gnarled root, used since antiquity in gastronomy and alternative medicine. It has been used in Asia for over 3,000 years, but its country of origin is unknown. The main uses of ginger have spread from Asia to the rest of the world and it is now found in almost every market. Nowadays, researchers are studying the properties of ginger, which is why it is considered a medicinal supplement.

The root of the ginger plant is used in many kitchens to season various dishes, both sweet and spicy. In general, it is known for the spicy note it gives to food and for the fact that it is a rich source of nutrients beneficial to health. In today’s article we will show you the three best uses of ginger , as well as its benefits.

1. Ginger tea, one of the best uses of ginger

Ginger tea is one of the most popular ways to take advantage of the properties of this root. According to a study published in Phytotherapy Research , ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties, among others.

So, you can incorporate it in a balanced diet to promote your health and prevent disease. At the same time, ginger can relax your body and relieve common ailments.

Ginger next to a cup of juice
Following the studies, the researchers determined that ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, they recommend it as a dietary supplement.


  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 cup boiled water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Lemon juice (optional ingredient)


  • First, grate a tablespoon of fresh ginger root and add it to a cup of hot water.
  • Then add a little honey and lemon juice (to taste).
  • You can also prepare this recipe with hot milk instead of water.

2. Fresh ginger, as an ingredient in recipes

The spicy taste of ginger adds a unique flavor to food and dishes. The amount used depends on how intense you want the ginger taste to be in the chosen recipe. Ginger can be grated, crushed or sliced.

Can be used in combination with various foods:

  • Meat
  • Various types of salads
  • Rice
  • Fish or seafood
  • Seasoning oils
  • Bread
  • Cookies
  • Desserts
  • Puddings

3. Ground ginger

There are many ways to use ground ginger in your home. In fact, it is easier to incorporate into recipes than the whole root. You can buy ground ginger right now from the store and sprinkle it on desserts, drinks, salads or smoothies.

Although it is found in this form in stores, you can also prepare it at home using a dried root. If you choose this option, you will have to wash the ginger well and dry it in the sun or in the oven. When it is completely dry, cut it into several pieces and grind them with a pestle or a grinder.

Properties of ginger

According to an article published in the Journal of Medicinal Food , this root is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, thus helping to relieve several types of pain caused by inflammation.

Moreover, it blocks the release of prostaglandins and leukotrin that cause inflammation.

In addition, ginger contains useful antioxidants against free radicals and for the prevention of various chronic non-communicable diseases. Below we will present these properties in detail.

Helps prevent disease

Due to its main active compound, gingerol, this root is useful in preventing diseases. As mentioned in a study published in Natural Product Communications , ginger has multiple biological functions, including some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Uses of ginger in the kitchen
Incorporating ginger into a healthy and varied diet can help prevent disease.

Fights nausea and dizziness

Ginger has been used since antiquity as a natural treatment for gastric problems, including nausea, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea. According to researchers at Natural Standard , there is scientific evidence that confirms that this plant fights nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, but only for a short time and consumed in small doses.

Helps fight migraines

Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, ginger root reduces blood pressure, inflammation and pain caused by migraines.

In fact, a study published in Phytotherapy Research compared the effects of ginger with sumatripan-based therapy and suggests that this root may be effective against migraine-associated pain. At the same time, it has a lower risk of side effects.

Ginger as an adjunct to weight loss


A study published in the journal Metabolism showed that ginger has properties that accelerate metabolism and stimulate fat burning.

These benefits are due to the thermogenic effect it creates, increasing the body’s ability to burn fat through physical activity. In addition, ginger gives you a feeling of satiety, which helps keep your body weight under control.

Of course, it is important to remember that, on its own, ginger does not have a significant impact in the fight against weight gain. Its consumption must be accompanied by a healthy diet and physical activity.

Woman sitting on a scale
Due to its properties, ginger can be a useful ally in terms of weight loss. But it is not very effective on its own.

Can ginger be harmful?

Consumption of ginger is safe, especially when administered in moderate amounts to healthy adults. However, certain precautions should be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in patients with high blood pressure or those taking anticoagulant drugs.

Consult a specialist before you start taking ginger as a supplement. In addition, do not forget that on its own, it can not replace medication or a proper diet.

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