Tips To Slow Down Aging

Applying lotions with the help of massages and the use of sunscreens are essential measures to take care of your hands at any age and prevent the signs of premature aging.
Tips to slow down the aging of your hands

When it comes to taking care of our body, our hands should occupy a leading place. It is important to follow certain tips to slow down the aging of your hands. Both their skin and their joints feel the effects of aging and certain daily activities.

Fortunately, we have various ways to take care of our hands. Aesthetic treatments, which vary depending on the price and method of application, are very effective.

In today’s article we offer you a list of incredible treatments offered by the cosmetics industry. At the same time, we present you some tricks and habits that you can include in your daily routine. By implementing these measures, you will keep your hands young for a little longer.

Aesthetic treatments to slow down the aging of the hands

To properly care for your hands, it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist or other specialist. With the help of a series of medical tests, you will be able to determine which is the optimal treatment for you, depending on your skin type and your state of health.

Tips to slow the aging of your hands naturally


This treatment is useful for rejuvenating dry hands, with very pronounced wrinkles and requiring hydration. Patients with osteoarthritis are usually recommended mesotherapy.

  • Mesotherapy consists of the application of homeopathic medicines with complex vitamins and chemical compounds, which revitalize the skin tissues and deeply hydrate it.
  • Thus, the production of collagen is stimulated, and the skin looks brighter and regains its elasticity.

Chemical peels

Treatments and tips to slow down the aging of the hands

Chemical peels involve exfoliating the hands by applying a chemical treatment with chemicals.

This type of treatment is ideal for people whose hands have spots or wrinkles. With its help, the skin will become smoother and will look younger.

Dermal fillings

Dermal fillers are recommended when the density of the hands has dropped drastically. Therefore, the skin becomes almost transparent and the veins appear thicker.

  • This treatment is applied under topical or local anesthesia and involves injection with polylactic acid and hyaluronic acid.
  • The results obtained are impressive because the skin will regain its density considerably.

Other tips to slow down the aging of your hands

Include the following tips to slow down the aging of your hands in your daily routine. They are very simple and require little consistency.

Get a massage

While you sleep, your body adapts to a state of relaxation, in which cells regenerate and absorb nutrients. Therefore, we recommend before bed massages with creams that contain natural oils or teas, to facilitate absorption.

  • Massage your hands with gentle circular motions.

Protect your hands

Tips to slow down the aging of your hands at the beach

Ambient temperature is one of the main factors that can affect the appearance of the hands. Get used to protecting your hands from heat and moisture, just as you protect them from the cold. Applying sunscreen before leaving the house and exposing yourself to the sun’s rays is an essential precaution.

Use a quality soap and do not wash your hands excessively

Washing tomorrow is a daily activity. An important aspect is to use a soap compatible with our skin. At the same time, this product should contain natural ingredients such as floral oils, aloe vera, honey, shea butter and oats, among others.

Although it is essential to maintain proper hygiene, avoid washing your hands too often. Like climate change, excessive washing weakens the skin, making it less fine.

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