Tips To Prevent Tantrums In Children

Tantrums in children can cause parents to lose their temper and respond inappropriately. However, they are a normal part of raising children. Find out why they appear and how to manage them.
Tips to prevent tantrums in children

Tantrum in children is something that all parents hate. It begins to manifest at the age of 2 years. The most common forms of tantrum are screaming, crying, hitting, refusing to listen and even opposing parental instructions. A lot of difficult behaviors occur at this stage, which can certainly be challenging even for the most patient parents.

Leaving the playground, entering or leaving the bathtub, brushing your teeth, dressing… Almost any daily activity can trigger a tantrum!

It is easy to lose your temper and react inappropriately if you do not understand what is happening. For this reason, we want to explain to you why children have tantrums and what you can do to prevent them.

The age at which tantrum most often occurs in children

Tantrums are a normal and healthy part of raising children and are related to their cognitive and social development. Until now, the child plays a passive role and allows adults to meet all their needs. In addition, he has so far not been able to perceive himself as an independent being, with his own desires and interests.

Everything changes around the age of 18 months. The child becomes self-aware and wants to express himself and become autonomous.

Children “know” exactly what they want, but they have no control over their own lives. Moreover, they do not have the necessary tools to express themselves. Thus, they manifest tantrums in protest because they cannot satisfy their desires.

Tantrum in children
Tantrums are an expression of a child’s development and are normal around the second year of life.

Tips for preventing tantrums in children

Tantrums appear because the little ones still do not know how to manage and express their feelings properly. For this reason, it is helpful to teach them what emotional intelligence is.

It also recognizes and validates children’s emotions. Tell them that you understand how they feel and that they have a right to feel that way. In this way, they will be able to express their feelings freely.

Additional considerations about tantrum in children

The above tips can help prevent tantrums. However, what should you do if this is already happening? Well, first of all, keep your control over your emotions and pay special attention to what you say.

The child does not try to humiliate you in public; he is just unable to control his emotions. Opt for empathy and be loving and patient, but make sure that the little one is not hurt and does not bother those around him.

Mainly, you need to allow him to express himself and be with him with love when the drama is over.

Little girl upset with her mother
The role of the parents should be to calm the child with tantrums so as not to escalate the situation.

Tantrums can be a challenge

Tantrums are heavy and challenging for parents, but children also experience frustration and lack of resources to express themselves. The task of adults is to be loving and respectful, being a positive example for the little ones.

Screaming or physical aggression will only create resentment and will affect the emotional connection and development of the child. He will not teach any lessons and he will certainly not end the rage.

Practice empathy and try to treat your child the way you want to be treated.

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