Tips For Healthier Lungs

Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi exercises teach us how to breathe with different parts of the body, such as the abdomen, diaphragm or chest area.
Tips for healthier lungs

If you learn how to  breathe properly, ventilate your home as well as possible and eliminate mucus, you will see results in no time if you follow this series of tips for healthier lungs.

Healthier lungs with 5 useful tips

Steam baths

Do you know what steam baths are ? inhalation

How are steam baths made?

Boil, in a bowl, 2 liters of water together with medicinal plants such as thyme, rosemary, chamomile, eucalyptus or pine. After 5-10 minutes, when the fragrant steam starts to come out, take the pot off the heat, sit face down on it and cover your head with a towel (be careful not to burn yourself). Inhale deeply through your mouth and nose, alternately covering your nostrils, for.

Get rid of mucus

It happens that you wake up in the morning with the feeling that you have airways full of mucus. Sometimes

Especially if mucus has accumulated in the nasal cavity, wash your nasal passage with a neti dish.

  • Milk and milk products ; especially cow’s milk. Replace it with vegetable milk.
  • Flour and products containing flour. Toast is healthier.

Learn to breathe properly

When it comes to the respirator, it should be noted that most of the time we do not breathe properly… because we forgot to do it! We only breathe as much as we need to survive, which not only affects our lungs, which are used to working at low capacity, but also makes it difficult to transport oxygen to all the cells in our body.

How can you learn to breathe properly?

We can best learn to breathe through yoga, meditation or Tai Chi exercises. They focus on breathing and even teach us to breathe with different parts of the body: abdomen, diaphragm or chest.

Yoga for healthier lungs

Improve your night breathing

We usually sleep 8 hours a night, a third of a day. That is why it is essential to make sure that there is fresh and healthy air in our bedroom.

How can you do this?

  • Ventilate the house every day and, if desired, leave a partially open window at night.
  • If you can’t ventilate the house, at least leave the bedroom door ajar.
  • Keep oxygen-producing plants in your bedroom, such as the so-called devil’s ivy . One or two plants of this kind help to refresh the air we breathe.
  • Get rid of moisture and unpleasant odors in the house. Use dehumidifiers and electric speakers.

Forget about sadness

Therefore, any advice and treatments to have healthier lungs must also take into account emotional problems, which can be treated naturally with homeopathic remedies, such as Bach flower  or with the professional help of a psychotherapist .

Photo source: Marketing Deluxe, Breigh Hammarlund and Caribb.

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