The Truth About Soft Drinks

Soft drinks contain addictive substances, which is why we feel the need to drink them all the time.
The truth about soft drinks

Soft drinks (also called carbonated drinks) are very popular all over the world. In some countries, such as the United States, these drinks are even less expensive than water. Find out the truth about soft drinks in the rows below!

Unfortunately, most consumers do not know the ingredients from which soft drinks are made. In today’s article we will elucidate this mystery. But we must warn you: once you have finished reading the truth about soft drinks, you will most likely never want to drink them again.

What are soft drinks made of?

Soft drinks are made through several chemical processes. They do not contain any natural ingredients, but are rich in refined sugar, artificial colors and flavorings.

Moreover, soft drinks also have a significant content of caramel, caffeine, additives and preservatives derived from tar. For example, cola-type carbonated drinks are prepared with acids, generally carbonic acid and erythorbate, substances whose intimidating names accurately reflect their harmful nature.

If you still have doubts about the truth about cola soft drinks, here are some of the lesser known alternative uses of these products:

Cleaning the bathrooms

Cola-type soft drinks can remove dirt accumulated on the edges of toilet bowls. All you have to do is apply the liquid to the bowl and let it act for a few minutes. Use a brush and the bowl will look like new!

Elimination of corrosion

Car mechanics use glue to remove corrosion from the battery terminals. All you have to do is pour a cola drink on the affected area and leave it to act for 30 minutes.

Rust removal

The truth about soft drinks

The acids in cola-type beverages are first-class solvents. You can use them to remove rust from any object, such as bicycles or nails.

Oil stain cleaning

Here is another alternative use of cola drinks discovered by car mechanics. If you have clothes that have oil stains, put them in a container full of a few liters of cola. Let them soak for three hours, then rinse with water. They will look like us!

Glass cleaning

Cola-type soft drinks can be used to clean any glass surface, including car windows or household windows. Simply pour a little juice into the palm, spread it on the dirty bottle, then wipe well with a clean, damp cloth.

The truth about soft drinks: other harmful ingredients

In addition to those already listed, soft drinks can contain other surprising ingredients. One of these is phosphoric acid, a strong corrosive agent that can attack teeth. As soon as it enters the body, this substance can affect the stomach and liver, causing the development of several digestive, liver and intestinal problems and disorders. Phosphoric acid is a silent enemy of our health.

Various studies have shown that phosphoric acid is an oil-derived carcinogen. Combined with large amounts of sugar and caffeine, it can produce:

  • Addiction: You will feel the need to consume soft drinks more and more often.
  • Nervous system changes: People who consume soft drinks are more agitated than others.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Soft drinks can attack the endocrine system.
  • Dental health disorders: May cause staining, tooth decay or cavities.
  • Weakening bones: Decreases the body’s calcium reserves.
  • Weight gain: The high sugar content of soft drinks (including dietary drinks) causes overeating.
  • Weakening of the immune system: Increases the risk of contracting various diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
  • Increased vulnerability to allergies
  • Reducing the body’s mineral reserves.
  • Fermentation of food from the stomach: Consumption of soft drinks along with other foods has a negative impact on digestion.
  • Increased production of acetic acid and alcohol: The liver is as overworked as the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which is very harmful to his health.
  • Destruction of cells and their aging.
The truth about flavored soft drinks

Why do we continue to drink soft drinks if they are so harmful?

First of all, many of us do not know how dangerous these drinks can be. Like the unhealthy foods we serve daily (whether semi-prepared or home-cooked), juices are products we consume because we have not yet learned the truth about soft drinks.

If everyone knew this reality, sales of soft drinks would certainly drop dramatically, and their production would cease altogether. At the moment, however, the only thing we can do is refuse to buy these drinks and warn our acquaintances about the negative effects they are exposed to by consuming them.

Second, many people use soft drinks instead of water because they are addictive. Parents do not hesitate to buy these products for their children, starting from the premise that soft drinks are harmless.

Third, the ads in the media present soft drinks as something “fashionable”, harmless goodies that we can serve with friends or family when we go out. Of course, this image is completely false.

Currently, the marketing of soft drinks has become a topic of public debate. Although their producers are getting richer, the health of consumers is harmed, with the situation being similar to that caused by the tobacco industry.

What happens in our body when we consume soft drinks?

Cola in an ice glass

A very interesting study revealed the truth about cola soft drinks and their effects on the human body. Want to know what they are?

  • 10 minutes after consumption: The nervous system is suddenly aroused due to caffeine and sugar that have entered the body.
  • 20 minutes after consumption: The level of insulin in the blood decreases and the liver begins to convert sugar into fat.
  • 40 minutes after consumption: The pupils dilate, blood pressure rises, the liver secretes more insulin, and the receptors responsible for drowsiness become blocked.
  • 45 minutes after consumption: The level of dopamine, the hormone responsible for stimulating the pleasure centers in the brain, increases. The effect is similar to that produced by heroin.
  • 50 minutes after consumption: As phosphoric acid in the composition of the soft drink consumed is combined with certain nutrients, they are eliminated from the body. Among other things, the level of calcium, magnesium and zinc decreases in this phase.

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