The Link Between Physical Pain And Anxiety

Several studies indicate that physical pain and anxiety often occur together. This makes sense, because the body and the mind are not two separate entities. On the contrary, they work together and influence each other. Therefore, each of these dimensions affects the other, even if this correlation often goes unnoticed.
The link between physical pain and anxiety

Anxiety, a widespread problem globally

The link between physical pain and anxiety

Anxiety is currently a global public health problem. And, although it involves emotional disturbances, it also has to do with physical symptoms.

Therefore, anxiety is an unpleasant condition that virtually all people experience at some point in life, because it is a response to stimuli perceived as threatening. Sometimes these stimuli are real risks, and other times they correspond to perceived or imaginary risks.

Intense stimuli that occur simultaneously also lead to anxiety. Some researchers believe that life in big cities has a high potential to generate anxiety. This environment involves successive alert states, which generate stress and, ultimately, anxiety.

When it comes to anxiety, there is fear and confusion, which leads to the creation of defensive behaviors. There are also organic changes, such as increased heart rate, sweating and shortness of breath. Obviously, these physiological changes will alter the body’s functioning over time.

the link between physical pain and anxiety

The link between physical pain and anxiety

Woman with a sore throat
Anxiety can cause muscle aches, headaches, stomach problems and other types of physical discomfort. It is important to go to the doctor to get a correct diagnosis.

What to do?

The most important thing is to recognize that we are all exposed to anxiety to some degree. For this reason, we need to adopt lifestyles that allow us to find places to relax and recreate. Relaxation is even more important if we feel physical pain and anxiety.

Exercising is one of the most effective ways to restore emotional balance. A light exercise routine of 15 minutes a day is usually enough to make us feel better. It is even better if we combine it with certain relaxation practices.

If your anxiety is severe, you should consult a mental health professional. There are many therapies and techniques that can help you manage your emotions properly.

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