The Best Teas For 13 Daily Ailments

Mint tea is one of the best teas to treat many health problems. Did you know that this drink relieves congestion, fever and even intestinal gas? Find out more useful information from today’s article!
The best teas for 13 daily ailments

In this article, we invite you to discover the best medicinal teas to treat mild, everyday health problems. These include headaches, flu symptoms, menstrual cramps, insomnia, lack of energy and anxiety.

Teas are simple remedies that help heal the body without the need for medication.

Let’s see what it’s all about!

The best teas for each problem

1. Headache

Headaches cause major discomfort and can be a symptom of another health problem. If you want to get rid of them without taking painkillers, you can first try a medicinal tea made from one of the following herbs:

  • Turmeric has strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Violet is a plant that contains acetylsalicylic acid, the analgesic component of aspirin.
  • Dandelion cleanses the blood of toxins that cause headaches.
  • Mint relieves congestion and pain.

2. Poor digestion

The best digestive teas are prepared from the following herbs:

  • Mint is one of the best plants for improving digestion and fighting intestinal gas.
  • Ginger strengthens the action of gastric juices and prevents heartburn.
  • Roin  calms the nerves that affect the stomach.
  • Caraway in the form of seeds or powder is ideal for removing gases.
Mint tea is one of the best teas for digestion

3. Nausea

To combat nausea caused by car sickness, stress or pregnancy, you can use ginger tea. This is the best remedy for relieving nausea, also having digestive and stimulating properties.

4. Cold and flu symptoms

At the first symptoms of a cold or flu (fever, cough, mucus), you can prepare some of the best herbal teas:

  • Thyme and eucalyptus are antiseptic.
  • Mint decreases fever.
  • Ginger fights chills and lowers fever.
  • Plantain softens sinus pathways.
  • Cayenne: a powder of this pepper helps to open the bronchial tubes. Sweetened with honey, cayenne pepper is a natural antibiotic.

5. Constipation

If you occasionally suffer from constipation, you can try drinking senna tea, a very strong laxative. But if you have chronic constipation, it is advisable to avoid these laxatives, because even if they are natural, they can be irritating.

To fight constipation, you need to find out the cause. To improve your digestive functions, you can drink an infusion based on dandelion and flax seeds sweetened with honey.

6. Diarrhea

To quickly stop diarrhea, it is advisable to use plants with astringent properties, such as green tea sweetened with honey.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

7. Irritated throat

To combat irritation and sore throat, you need an infusion that combines the healing effects of several ingredients:

  • Ginger warms the throat.
  • Pătlagin softens the sinus pathways.
  • Caraway is anti-inflammatory.
  • Lemon is antiseptic.
  • Honey is an antibiotic.

8. Lack of energy

A teaspoon of mint and mint sweetened with bee honey is the ideal solution to combat the lack of energy and vitality.

One of the best energizing teas is mint and St. John's wort

9. Anxiety, nervousness and stress

To calm your nerves, you can prepare an infusion based on lavender, rhubarb, orange peel and basil. Sweetens the drink obtained with honey.

10. Insomnia

To sleep better, we recommend drinking passion flower tea, valerian or lime.

11. Menstrual pain

Instead of using medications to relieve menstrual pain, you can drink a tea of ​​chamomile, sage, fennel and black wormwood.

12. Low libido

To stimulate your libido naturally, you can drink an aphrodisiac and stimulating infusion with ginger, pepper, cinnamon, anise and nutmeg.

It’s delicious!

13. Feeling of weight in the legs

To reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs, you can prepare an infusion with rosemary and dandelion. If this discomfort is accompanied by swelling, you can add horsetail.

The best teas for everyday ailments

How should we drink these infusions?

To alleviate a condition, you need to drink 2 or 3 cups of tea a day for the treatment to be effective. Generally, you can serve a cup for breakfast, one around lunch and one in the evening.

Exceptions are cases where you consume an infusion for a specific reason:

  • After meals, to stimulate digestion;
  • Before bed, to combat insomnia.

Remember: these teas are effective in treating mild ailments. For chronic problems or lasting more than a week, a medical consultation is required. 

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