The Benefits Of The Ketogenic Diet And The Associated Risks

The ketogenic diet is based on restricting carbohydrates to 10% or less. This induces a state of ketosis and helps burn fat by activating alternative metabolic pathways.
The benefits of the ketogenic diet and the associated risks

The ketogenic diet or keto diet is a low-carbohydrate diet that turns the body into a fat-burning device. It is said to be useful for weight loss, health and athletic performance. In addition, there are millions of people who claim to enjoy the benefits of the ketogenic diet.

However, under certain circumstances, this type of diet can seriously endanger your health. Read on to find out more about this topic!

What is a ketogenic diet?

The benefits of the ketogenic diet

The benefits of a ketogenic diet in weight loss

The proportion of carbohydrates in a ketogenic diet is usually well below the recommendation of 50 to 60% of total calories. It generally provides 10% or less of the recommended energy to be obtained from carbohydrates in the form of carbohydrates.

There are ketogenic diets in which the person can eat fruits and vegetables in strictly controlled quantities. However, other types of diet eliminate all sources of carbohydrates, prohibiting the intake of cereals, flour, pastries and also fruits, vegetables and legumes.

In addition, there are ketogenic diets in which intermittent fasting is used to promote the initial formation of ketone bodies. This must be supported later in order to achieve weight loss at the expense of extensive oxidation of fats.

As you can see, there are many types of ketogenic diets and all have the ultimate goal of promoting fat burning in the body to give rise to ketone bodies later.

Although the ketogenic diet is very effective for weight loss, there are many risks associated with this diet.

The risks of the ketogenic diet

1. Reduce the consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables.

Health benefits of the ketogenic diet

In extreme cases, this diet can lead to ketoacidosis when the amount of ketone bodies increases massively in the blood. This can cause damage to certain organs and can even lead to coma.

Therefore, in order to adopt this type of diet, it is essential to have a good health history and to go to the doctor regularly. If you have kidney or liver failure, you may have serious problems if you follow this diet.

The benefits of the ketogenic diet are important, but there are also warnings

The ketogenic diet is not a diet you can follow for life or one that promotes healthy habits. It is not a balanced diet, but rather proposes an occasional and temporary alternative to lose weight and burn fat.

Lastly, remember that in the case of any diet you decide to adopt, it is important to go to a specialist who will examine your current health as well as your progress.

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