The Benefits Of Knitting – Wool Therapy

Knitting offers benefits for both physical and mental health. Want to know more about the benefits of knitting?
The benefits of knitting - Wool therapy

Although knitting is an activity that makes you think of your grandmother, it seems that the benefits of knitting are real. Don’t let the cliché of an old woman sitting and knitting a sweater for her grandchildren mislead you.

Nowadays, knitting has become a social phenomenon, which offers benefits for both physical and mental health. Want to know more about the benefits of knitting?

Today we invite you to discover all the relevant information about this traditional hobby, which is magical and original. Are you ready to arm yourself with the andres and get to work?

The benefits of knitting – therapeutic activity

The benefits of knitting - wonderful therapeutic activity

Knit one eye on the left, another on the right, take some wool of another color… Knitting is not a simple activity that we can learn in a minute. It requires a certain rhythm and mental agility. The hands must be permanently active.

In the end, however, you will feel very satisfied when you see your new multicolored scarf, the sweater you knitted for your life partner or that original and unique bag that you worked on for a long time.

Knitting is a social phenomenon that many people have called “wool therapy.” The health benefits of knitting are innumerable and it is recommended to everyone.

Old and young, young and old, women and men, children with behavioral problems and adults suffering from stress… Absolutely anyone can knit! Read on to discover all the benefits that knitting offers us.

1. Train both cerebral hemispheres

The benefits of knitting - it trains both cerebral hemispheres

The simple act of passing a woolen thread from one andrea to the other significantly improves brain coordination. The more complex the object you knit, the better your mental dexterity, rhythm and coordination will improve.

Although it seems surprising, knitting is a therapeutic activity for people suffering from motor problems. It has also been shown that this hobby can improve attention and concentration skills in children with mental health problems.

So don’t procrastinate! Teach your little ones to knit. This hobby is no longer specific to older women.

2. Reduces stress levels

Among the benefits of knitting is the fact that it helps you get rid of stress

Many people usually gather in the park to knit. They sit on a bench, take their wool and needles out of their bag and get to work, relaxing, having conversations or simply concentrating on the act of knitting, while their problems and worries evaporate.

Knitting is very relaxing. Focusing on knitting calms the mind and offers many benefits to people suffering from stress or anxiety.

3. Improves mood

The benefits of knitting - brings good mood

As mentioned earlier, many people meet to have discussions while practicing this interesting activity. Knitting promotes sociability, helps people get closer to each other and gives rise to new friendships.

But you don’t have to leave the house to knit. By practicing this hobby on your own, you will be able to enjoy the silence of your thoughts, increasing your endorphin level. This hormone helps you relax and gives you a pleasant feeling of well-being.

4. Improves motor skills

The benefits of knitting - it helps you be more skillful

Surely you have noticed several times that, when knitting, your grandmother’s hands are very sharp, being able to create some incredible wool objects. Although she suffers from osteoarthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, her fingers and hands move easily.

Knitting is an activity that trains the hands and prevents them from stiffening. By moving your hands, you “warm” them, relieving any pain experienced in them.

Basically, knitting is a healthy exercise that is worth performing daily for at least an hour. However, people suffering from arthritis should avoid overwork.

We must also mention that the benefits of knitting include the improvement of children’s fine motor skills. Moreover, this activity improves their writing and helps the little ones to have more skill.

5. Increase self-esteem

Does it surprise you? How is it possible for such a simple activity as knitting to improve our overall well-being?

Knitting is not just a hobby. This involves trying to achieve a goal: creating a pair of gloves or a sweater for fall, for example. Knitting an item of clothing offers a lot of satisfaction because you have set a goal and achieved it.

When you give a loved one an object that you have been working on for hours on end, you feel well. Not only do you offer a simple gift, but also the time, creativity and feelings you have consumed for each knitted eye.

Therefore, knitting is not an ancient art practiced only by old women. This activity brings generations together and offers many therapeutic benefits.

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