The Benefits Of Ginger Oil And Home Cooking

Ginger can help with digestive problems, relieve arthritis and improve the appearance of the skin. Discover the uses and benefits of ginger oil!
The benefits of ginger oil and home cooking

What is ginger oil?

What are the benefits of ginger oil?

A study published in the Journal of Oleo Science showed that ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties capable of preventing changes in kidney function that are associated with inflammation. Similarly, it protects the kidneys of rodents poisoned with cadmium.

At the same time, research on rats with rheumatoid arthritis found that although the injection of ginger oil could not reduce acute joint inflammation, it was able to eliminate chronic inflammation.

Other research in the Journal of Medicinal Food has suggested that adding ginger oil extract to the diet of obese rodents can prevent weight gain and reduce markers of inflammation.

Unfortunately, human studies are lacking and we cannot certify the anti-inflammatory benefits of ginger oil.

Pieces of fresh ginger
Ginger has various household uses, from its use as an anti-inflammatory to nausea control.

According to traditional medicine, inhaling the vapors of ginger oil can eliminate nausea. Let’s see what science has to say about this.

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this oil against postoperative nausea. Participants reported lower levels of vomiting than those who consumed a placebo.

However, a study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine provided conflicting results. This research compared postoperative nausea levels in children who inhaled a mixture of oils (including ginger oil) or a placebo. The results showed no difference.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science, ginger oil acts as a powerful antioxidant that, combined with cream and other essential oils, can reduce skin roughness.

Rodent research in Phytotherapy Research has shown that daily topical application of ginger oil, in combination with other essential oils, can reduce the severity and inflammation of arthritis. However, more studies on humans are needed.

Other benefits of ginger oil

How is ginger oil used?

Side effects and precautions

Ginger oil is considered safe, with very few side effects. In addition, many of these side effects occur due to ignorance, such as the application of oil on the skin without prior dilution. It is a good idea to try to apply a small amount first.

High doses of this oil can cause acidity, diarrhea and irritation of the mouth. Pregnant and lactating women should not consume ginger oil without consulting a doctor. Pregnant women cannot consume more than 1 gram per day.

Children over 2 years of age can consume ginger oil to relieve nausea, spasms and headaches. However, it is also necessary to consult a specialist.

People taking anticoagulant drugs should not consume ginger oil without professional supervision, as it increases the risk of bleeding. Something similar happens in patients with diabetes and hypertension, because the combination of drugs and oil can reduce blood sugar and blood pressure.

The benefits of ginger oil
Consumption of this oil should be limited to diabetics and hypertensives, as well as those taking anticoagulants.

How is ginger oil prepared at home?

Method of preparation

The benefits of ginger oil: a conclusion

Extracted from the rhizome of the plant of the same name, ginger oil is easily recognizable thanks to its strong and spicy smell. It is often used in combination with other oils to season salads.

Similarly, benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving skin health and relieving anxiety can be achieved through topical use and techniques such as aromatherapy.

As for its side effects, although it is safe, you should not overdo it. Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before starting to use it.

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