The 10 Most Common Causes Of Gastritis: Do You Know How To Prevent The Disease?

It is important to know the causes of gastritis in order to avoid risk factors and thus overcome this problem or, otherwise, limit the effects and damage to the body.
The 10 most common causes of gastritis: do you know how to prevent the disease?

Many causes of gastritis are related to an unhealthy lifestyle and harmful habits. Gastritis is a pathology that occurs when the walls of the stomach become inflamed. It causes abdominal pain and a number of discomforts. Therefore, it is an issue that must always be controlled and treated to avoid significant deterioration in the quality of life.

Next, we will talk about some symptoms and causes of gastritis. Read on to find out more about this topic!

Symptoms of gastritis

Although the manifestations of gastritis can vary from person to person, there are general symptoms that occur in almost all cases. According to the WHO, these symptoms may include:

  • stomach ache
  • Retching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach burns

The symptoms of gastritis coincide with those of other diseases. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor to receive a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Woman with gastritis


The 10 most common causes of gastritis

1. Dairy products

Consumption of milk and dairy products has been linked to gastritis, as many people have an intolerance to these foods . Such products can be irritating to the stomach and are often difficult to digest. For this reason, it is recommended to reduce or avoid the consumption of dairy products and choose vegetable alternatives.

No scientific evidence has been found to prove that the intake of dairy products favors the appearance of gastritis. However, there is ample evidence that lactose intolerance aggravates the symptoms of gastritis, as indicated in an article published in the journal Acta Pediátrica de México.

2. Diet high in fat and low in fiber

People who eat high-fat foods, such as cakes, red meat or semi-prepared foods, among others, tend to develop gastritis more easily than those who do not eat these foods.

Fatty foods are “heavy” for the stomach and can cause chronic irritation. Also, most of these foods do not have fiber, an essential component for proper digestion. These data are corroborated in an academic document issued by the Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil.

Foods that are not causes of gastritis

3. Excess caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that, in small doses, rarely causes damage to the body. However, when you drink too much coffee, tea or anything that contains a lot of caffeine, your stomach is more likely to get irritated and gastritis to appear.

An article published in the journal MediSan confirms that this substance increases the risk of suffering from gastritis.

4. Helicobacter pylori bacteria

This bacterium is one of the best known. It is estimated that between 80 and 90% of the world’s population has this bacterium in their body. Helicobacter pylori affects the digestive system in many ways.

In addition, it is estimated to be one of the main causes of gastritis and urinary tract infections, according to an article in the Cuban Journal of General and Comprehensive Medicine.

5. Use of medications

Medications have a variety of side effects, especially when taken frequently. Some medications, such as aspirin and certain types of anti-inflammatory drugs, may cause irritation to those who are sensitive to the stomach. This is stated in an article published by Elsevier.

6. Alcohol and tobacco

Both alcohol and tobacco have negative effects on the body. According to experts, they are really irritating to the stomach and it is advisable to avoid them at all costs, especially if you have or are suspected of suffering from gastritis. This is mentioned in a study published by the journal MediSan.

7. Intolerance to certain foods

As with dairy products, there are other foods that cause intolerance. For example, spicy foods, gluten and sugars can cause stomach irritation.

8. Biliary reflux

Bile reflux in the stomach or biliary reflux is another cause of gastritis. According to the US Library of Medicine, bile is a thick fluid, secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, which helps digestion. This is confirmed by an article published by the National Center for Scientific Research.

9. Autoimmune diseases

In very few cases, gastritis occurs due to an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the stomach. “Autoimmune gastritis is common in people who already have another type of autoimmune disease. This is the case with type 1 diabetes or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis , says Dr. Patch Adams. This is also confirmed by an article in the Cuban Journal of Medicine.

10. Stress

Acute gastritis could also be caused by trauma caused by actions such as major surgery, burns, severe infections and even tension accumulated after moments of great stress. This is confirmed by an article published in the journal Columbia Médica.

Do not forget…

It is important to know the main symptoms and causes of gastritis. But, above all, it is recommended to go to a specialist and combine his prescription with healthy living habits.

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