Swollen Fingers – Causes And Remedies

This has probably happened to you at least once in your life: you suddenly feel pressure in your fingers and realize that they are slightly inflamed.
Swollen fingers - causes and remedies

Your fingers are so swollen that you can’t even take off your rings. Maybe this happened to you when you were walking in the park or right after lunch. But why? The typical causes of swelling of the fingers are numerous. We will explain below.

An inflammation in any region of your body is usually caused by an accumulation of fluid. Your fingers are an area very prone to overwork during work. The cause of this accumulation of fluid is poor blood circulation, although sometimes inflammation can be symptoms of other diseases that you can prevent. It is very important to know the symptoms.

Why do your fingers swell?

Swollen fingers may be accompanied by hand pain

1. Poor blood circulation

Excess cholesterol and high blood pressure cause a faster circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs. You feel more tired, and the increased intensity of blood circulation in the chest area will cause an imbalance in your extremities — including your fingers. Your hands will be colder and your fingers will swell due to dilation of blood vessels.

2. Excessive weight

Obesity (or simply the presence of those few extra pounds) will cause changes in your lymphatic system, which causes fluid retention in the hands and feet. In this situation you will feel your hands swollen and your feet will not fit in your shoes. You may also feel tingling in your fingers, which are slightly swollen.

3. Swelling caused by carpal tunnel syndrome

When your hands are affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, it is normal for blood circulation to be restricted in this area; the median nerve is compressed, which makes your fingers feel numb, cold or swollen.

4. Allergic reactions

Sometimes it can happen that certain foreign agents enter your body. In order for them to be eliminated, the body releases histamine into the blood. This can cause inflammation in the fingers. When you have such a reaction, you should use antihistamines.

5. Infections

An infection occurs when certain microbes enter the body through lesions on the skin. Sometimes all it takes is a small cut for your fingers to swell. A tissue can become infected, and as soon as the infection reaches the bone, a fever can occur.

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

Wear on your joints and cartilage can often affect your fingers as well. What are the symptoms? It doesn’t matter how old you are. Suddenly, your fingers may swell and turn red. These will hurt you, especially during the morning. It is not abnormal to feel them rigid and it will be difficult for you to move them.

How to treat swollen fingers?

1. Exercise to eliminate tingling and prevent fluid retention

Treat swollen fingers with hand exercises
  • You can improve fluid retention by moving your fingers as in the image above. This movement stimulates blood circulation  and pumping excess fluid. Simply move your thumb from the inside out and vice versa repeatedly. This simple exercise helps to balance the level of fluids in the body.
  • Another very good exercise is to put your palms together (as if you were about to pray) and then raise them above your head. This exercise helps to stimulate blood circulation.

2. Take natural diuretics

Green tea relieves swollen fingers

Natural diuretics help eliminate fluid retention. Try to drink two liters of water a day. Add natural foods with diuretic properties to your diet, such as green tea, celery, carrots, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, asparagus, artichokes, watercress, Brussels sprouts and lettuce.

3. Adopt a balanced, salt-free diet

Swollen fingers can be a consequence of salt consumption

If you adopt a diet rich in fiber and vegetables and avoid oxidized fats, additives and salt, your body will be much healthier. Fluid retention will be improved, which will improve your blood circulation and help you lose weight.

4. Wear compression gloves

Swollen fingers can be treated with compression gloves

If you have swollen fingers very often and this bothers you, you can use compression gloves, which you can buy from pharmacies. These are very useful: they put pressure  on your hands and fingers, which leads to the release of retained fluid.

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