Spine: How To Keep It Healthy

The spine is the most important structure with joints in the body. Follow the tips below to keep her healthy. 
Spine: how to keep it healthy

There is no doubt: the spine is an extremely important part of the body  and it is very important to always keep it healthy .

It supports your body, keeps you upright and helps you move. That is why it is important to take care of it properly.

In the article below we show you how to keep your spine healthy.

Some information about the spine

The spine plays an important role in the body

The spine is the most important structure with joints in the whole body. It starts at the base of the skull and reaches above the hips. This means that it extends the entire length of the back. The column is divided into 5 regions:

  • Cervical: seven vertebrae (C1 – C7)
  • Thoracic: twelve vertebrae (T1 – T12)
  • Lumbar: five vertebrae (L1 – L5)
  • Sacral: five vertebrae (S1 – S5)
  • Coccygeal: four or five vertebrae.

All regions of the spine have a special role, but together they keep your body straight, give you mobility and a proper posture. Moreover, the spine is the pathway through which the nervous system circulates.

How to keep your spine healthy

If you want to have a healthy spine, not to hurt and not to cause various problems, here are some practical and useful tips that are good to keep in mind :

Maintain a proper body posture

Correct posture of the spine

Keep your back straight at all times. It doesn’t matter if you are at work, on the subway, on the couch or at school. In this way, make sure that your spine stays healthy.

Correct your posture. Tighten your abdomen and keep it straight. Imagine that there is a thread tied to your neck that pulls you up, so the column must be straight.

There are several techniques that help you adopt a proper posture. In some cases, you need to use pillows or an ergonomic chair, put a plate on the back of the chair, use a belt and much more.

Remember that you  have to pull your shoulders back a little. In addition, they must fall freely on the sides.

When you have an inappropriate posture, the nerves between the vertebrae “pinch.”  This causes pain, but also circulatory problems or lethargy. In such a situation, you are powerless, depressed, tired and in a bad mood. 

Try to sit upright when working at the computer or sitting at the desk. You can stick a self-adhesive note somewhere to remind you of this.

Get moving

First of all, it is good to know that not all exercise is good for the back. The movements performed must train the muscles of the back and abdomen to keep them healthy, strong and toned. After all, these are the muscles that support the spine.

Exercises with low impact or working the abdomen and lumbar area help to tone and relax the spine. You can also opt for yoga, for example. In addition, the most suitable physical activity for back health is swimming. 

Do stretches for 10 minutes several times (or at least once a day). Here’s a back stretching exercise: First, join your fingers together. Push the top of the chest forward. Your back will take the shape of the letter “C.” Stretch your arms forward as hard as you can. Repeat the exercise five times.

Avoid the accumulation of toxins

There is a close connection between diet and the condition of your back. It is as important as posture and exercise.

It is recommended to adopt a healthy and balanced diet. Give up high-fat, refined foods with a high sugar content, fried foods or fast food products. All this leads to an accumulation of toxins around the spine that can cause various complications and discomforts.

Be careful to include healthy foods in your diet: vegetable juices, oily fruits such as almonds, fatty fish such as salmon, raw fruits, etc. In addition, do not forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.  In this way, you will be able to eliminate toxins from the body.

Get rid of extra pounds

The extra pounds overwhelm the spine

Most obese people have back problems and pain. When you have a heavier body weight, your back should make an extra effort to support your body. Thus, there is a feeling of tension and pain in the spine.

If you are overweight, adopt a diet and try to lose a few pounds.

Opt for localized massages

When a certain area of ​​your back hurts, contact a masseur to give you a localized massage. You don’t have to wait until the pain becomes unbearable.

Many people opt for preventive massage sessions every week. They help to tone the back muscles. In addition, massages relax this area of ​​the body, even when you feel only a slight tension recently. 

Shiatsu, bioenergetic and relaxing massages are the most recommended. They tone the muscles around the vertebrae, eliminate excess toxins and remove pressure from the spine.

He did not carry heavy objects

If the service requires you to carry heavy objects, always use a belt to lift weights. If you simply carry heavy objects only from time to time, be sure to protect your back.

The best technique is to bend your knees, bring the pelvis as close to the floor as possible, then lift the object as if you want to hug it. Stretch your knees a little and return to the starting position.

Take natural supplements

Prolonged sitting at the office affects the spine


There are several supplements that help your back. Among the most beneficial are magnesium, calcium, spirulina, brewer’s yeast, flax seeds and vegetable oils.

Representative image source: © wikiHow.com

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