Some Interesting Things About Snoring

In order to stop snoring, it is important to have free airways. Consult a doctor to find out the cause of the snoring.
Some interesting things about snoring

Did you know that snoring is hereditary? That’s why 70% of people snore, but many don’t do it every day. In the following, we will present some interesting things about snoring.

“I don’t snore.” “I can’t sleep because my husband is snoring.” “I need to wake my partner from sleep so she won’t snore.”  You’ve probably heard, read, or even said these things, haven’t you? The sounds we make during sleep are very strange, so it would be good to know more about them.

Interesting snoring things that will catch your eye

You probably know that people who sleep face up are more likely to snore than those who sleep on one side of their body or belly. The researchers found that there are three important factors that influence snoring. It can be influenced by one, two or all three factors. People usually snore because:

  • They are overweight
  • smoking
  • Consume alcohol

So, if you don’t want to look like a rhino or a hippopotamus when you sleep, take care of your figure, be careful what you eat and exercise, stop smoking and try to drink less wine for dinner. The best part is that if you change these three habits, in addition to stopping snoring, your life will improve.

Interesting things about snoring and apnea

Respiratory disorders

Another possible cause for snoring is allergies or other respiratory conditions. Therefore, people may snore more in winter or spring than in summer. Spring flowers lead to pollen and seasonal allergies.

The snoring intensity of a person can be between 50 and 100 decibels. It may sound strange, but the sound made by a picamer has the same intensity. It definitely makes you wake up and want to go to another room! It’s like having a construction site next door.

Snoring Association

Did you know that the Snoring Association exists? This institution is located in England. According to this association, if you sleep next to a person snoring, you will lose even two years of sleep throughout your life and may develop problems such as sleep apnea, poor mood, irritability, difficulty concentrating or nightmares.

Any of these things could become the main reason for divorce. In fact, if only one person in the couple snores, the relationship is very likely to fall apart (another reason to sleep in another room, according to those who made this decision).

Next time you have Sunday lunch with your parents, ask them if they are snoring. Why? Because snoring is hereditary. Seventy percent of people who snore have parents and other close relatives such as uncles, aunts, or grandparents who have problems snoring.

Snoring child

Many people think that men snore more than women. It is 100% true. However, the difference is not as big as you might think. 40% of men and 30% of women have problems with snoring.

According to other statistics, 45% of adults snore at least once a week and 25% of them do so two or three times a week. Another interesting study shows that adults refuse to “accept” the idea that they have problems with snoring. As if he could tell if he was snoring while sleeping!

Snoring in children

If you have children and one of them snores a lot at night, go to the doctor. This could be a sign of hyperactivity or attention deficit. If you snore only occasionally, it may be due to nasal congestion or accumulated fatigue. Babies may also snore, but the sound they make is faint. As they grow, so does the intensity of the sound.

Although there is no clear link between the country of origin and the snoring of people, the researchers confirmed that Italians snore more than any other European people. If you are preparing to take a trip to this beautiful country, put some earplugs in your luggage.

Snoring and its causes


An accidental discovery showed that snoring decreases in frequency if you start singing. This was discovered by a British choir conductor who suffered from her husband’s snoring for many years. She suggested that he start singing for 20 minutes a day and contacted a doctor for several complementary exercises.

Then, the researchers conducted a 3-month study with 20 volunteers, and the results were amazing. Vocal exercises improved and strengthened the vocal cords and throat, improved airflow and stopped snoring.

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