Sleep Well With A Natural Pillow Spray

Pillow sprays are “fashionable” nowadays. Prepared with fragrant waters with delicate scents, these sprays are specially made to be sprayed on pillows.
Sleep well with a natural pillow spray

Have you ever tried using a pillow spray? If you apply this natural product on your pillow, sleep problems will not bother you as often. In today’s article we will show you how you can prepare your own pillow spray at home.

Pillow sprays are “fashionable” nowadays. Prepared with fragrant waters with delicate scents, these sprays are specially made to be sprayed on pillows.

The pleasant smells of pillow sprays contain elements that facilitate relaxation and promote restful sleep. Read on to find out how to prepare these sprays.

The benefits of using a pillow spray

The benefits of using a pillow spray

Pillow sprays are included in aromatherapy. These products are popular among those who want to relax and rest at night.

As you well know, certain odors can act as stimuli, producing specific emotions. This is why the beauty products available on the market have such a wide variety in terms of flavors.

Essential oils contain certain calming agents, 100% natural extracts obtained from plants such as lavender, geranium, tea tree or vanilla. Applied on the pillow, these agents induce a state of calm. However, this effect is a subjective one, each of us having to choose our favorite flavors.

Obviously, it is not enough to spray a spray on your pillow to sleep well. But restful sleep is impossible if we fail to relax, so you have nothing to lose if you try a pillow spray.

There are various commercially available pillow sprays, such as the luxury brand L’Occitane. Unfortunately, these products can be very expensive. But you don’t have to worry: it’s very easy to make your own pillow spray at home!

If you choose this option, you can opt for natural scents that help you relax more easily and improve your mood. So, do you want to know what to do?

How to prepare a pillow spray?

How to prepare a pillow spray

As mentioned earlier, aromatherapy is a very subjective practice. Explore all the available options so you can discover the right scent for you. You don’t have to go to the ceiling to buy flavored ingredients — take advantage of what you have on hand.

In the following we will present you a pillow spray that we really like. Don’t hesitate to try it too!

You need:

  • 0.5 l of distilled water
  • ½ vanilla pods (can be purchased from stores, are hard on the outside and oily on the inside, and their length is about 12 cm)
  • ½ grated orange peel
  • 5 drops of vanilla essential oil and citrus essential oil
  • A spray bottle

Method of preparation:

Sleep better if you use a pillow spray
  • It’s not hard at all. Boil 0.5 l of water and add the grated orange peel and vanilla. Mix for two minutes to obtain an infusion impregnated with the scents of these two ingredients.
  • Allow the infusion to cool, then strain it and keep the liquid. After it has cooled, add the essential oils (5 drops of each). Vanilla pods can be reused to prepare other infusions or pastries.
  • The scent of vanilla and citrus infusion is incredibly relaxing. Trying this combination, you will get a very effective pillow spray.
  • Pour the infusion into a spray bottle. Store it in the refrigerator. The infusion can last up to three weeks, but you can prepare a new one if you notice that the smell of the glass is not as intense as at the beginning.
  • Now that you’ve prepared the spray, you need to spray it on the pillow every night before bed. You will immediately feel a relaxing smell and you will be able to fall asleep more easily.
  • This natural pillow spray is cheap and easy to prepare. Remember, there are many other options available, such as the scent of rose, cedar or cinnamon. Being completely natural and free of chemicals, these sprays can also be used to freshen the air in the room. So, don’t hesitate to try different combinations!

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