Salt – 7 Ecological Cleaning Tricks

Due to its abrasive character and its antifungal properties, salt is an ideal product for cleaning and disinfecting the home. In addition, you can combine it with other ingredients to amplify its beneficial effects. Feel free to try the tricks below!
Salt - 7 ecological cleaning tricks

When it comes to cleaning your home, organic products like salt are essential. In today’s article we want to present you the main 7 tricks of ecological cleaning and some ways in which you can use salt to have a flawless home. Use them with confidence the next time you clean.

Although large companies claim that the cleaning products they produce are the best option, it has been shown that their overuse can lead to negative consequences.

The good news is that we have many natural cleansing tricks at our disposal. These seem to be “old-fashioned”, but they continue to be excellent options if you want your home to look impeccable.

Among the natural products useful for cleaning and disinfecting the home is salt. This ingredient is popular due to its chemical properties, which are ideal for cleaning.

Ecological salt cleaning tricks

1. Eco-friendly cleaning tricks to disinfect kitchen and bathroom sponges

Ecological salt cleaning tricks

You may not notice it at first, but kitchen sponges are among the most contaminated with harmful bacteria. But if you clean them with salt water, you will kill any microbes and the sponges will look like us.


  • Put a tablespoon of salt in warm water and soak the sponges in the mixture obtained for 20-30 minutes.
  • Squeeze them and use them with confidence.

2. Eco-friendly cleaning tricks to clean wine stains

Red wine stains are difficult to remove and generally you need more products to clean the affected tissues. The abrasive power of the salt is ideal to remove these stains, it absorbs the remains of wine without adversely affecting the material concerned.


  • Rub the stained surface with plenty of salt, using gentle, upward movements.
  • Let the remedy sit for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

3. Eco-friendly cleaning tricks to remove mold stains

Ecological cleaning tricks to remove mold

Mold stains can form on any wet surface in the home, including clothing. However, you can reduce the occurrence of this problem with the help of the antifungal effect of salt. Combine this ingredient with lemon juice to enhance its whitening and cleansing effect.


  • Put a large amount of salt in a bowl and moisten it with a little lemon juice.
  • Rub the stain with the paste obtained and leave it to act for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water. If necessary, repeat the trick.

4. Eco-friendly cleaning tricks to clean floors

Due to its antiseptic power, salt is an ideal product to make your hard floors look flawless and to remove dirt and bacteria.


  • Add half a cup of salt to a bucket of warm water and use a mop to wash the floor with the solution obtained.
  • As soon as the floor is dry, it will look like new.

5. Trick to polish metal objects

Ecological cleaning tricks for polishing metal objects

Salt contains certain compounds that can remove oxides and any other imperfections that form on the surface of metal objects. If you rub these objects with salt, you will polish them naturally and you will improve their appearance.


  • Moisten a little salt with water or lemon juice and use this mixture to rub the metal objects in question.
  • Leave the remedy on for a few minutes, then remove the excess with a dry cloth.

6. Trick to clean grease sinks

Food waste usually leaves traces of grease on the surface of the sink, due to which this object may have a sticky texture and an unpleasant odor. To avoid these inconveniences, clean your sink every day with salt after washing the dishes.


  • Sprinkle a large amount of salt in the sink and rub with a brush.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

7. Trick to remove sweat stains

Eco-friendly cleaning tricks to remove sweat stains

Instead of using dangerous chemicals to remove sweat stains from laundry, try using salt. This ingredient can remove the slightest traces of perspiration and prevent future blemishes.


  • Combine half a cup of salt with two liters of water and soak the laundry in this mixture for 30-40 minutes.
  • If stains are difficult, rub the laundry directly with salt.

Did you know that salt is useful for cleaning your home? Now that you know how to use it, take advantage of the benefits of this cheap product and say goodbye to harmful chemicals.

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