Relaxation Methods For A Restful Sleep

Lie in bed, turn off your cell phone and TV, and try to get rid of all the worries that grind you out of the bedroom.
Relaxation methods for a restful sleep

One of the biggest problems that many people face nowadays is lack of sleep. The causes, but also the possible negative consequences are various. A restful sleep is essential for the body to be able to recover and regenerate its tissues. Sleep can even help us get rid of stress. Therefore, we present below some relaxation methods for a restful sleep.

Most of us are always on the run and stressed, so the tips we will present below are very useful.

The time you sit in bed is sacred

Did you know that the time you sit in bed is sacred? Look at it this way: your mind is a very strong entity, and this reality can bring you both benefits and many disadvantages.

The quality of sleep depends largely on your thoughts. To have a restful sleep, it is not enough to put your head on the pillow and wait to fall asleep. Some people may fall asleep faster than others. But few know what to do to relax in all circumstances and fall asleep easily.

There are various simple relaxation methods to improve your sleep without having to resort to sedatives. One of these is to turn off your cell phone and TV as soon as you sit in bed. Excessive use of electronic devices is harmful to health. Like a drug, they can cause addiction.

If you can’t go to bed before watching something on TV, still avoid movies and series that depict scenes of violence, death, bad news, sadness, or fear. Such visual images stimulate and unbalance the central nervous system. This considerably reduces the quality of sleep.

In contemporary society it is impossible to leave the house without taking your mobile phone. Many of us are used to having this device handy even when we go to bed. The habit of writing messages or using your mobile phone to access a social network before bed is harmful because it makes it difficult to sleep. For this reason, it is advisable to keep these devices away from the bed and even disconnect from the internet before bed.

Relaxation methods for a restful sleep

The room you sleep in

The bedroom is another important factor that you can not ignore if you want to have a restful sleep. Although it is not necessarily harmful to serve breakfast in bed during the weekend, you should avoid learning or working in this space. You will never have a restful sleep if, for example, you associate your bed with the report you have to present at work tomorrow.


Nutrition also plays an essential role in terms of rest and sleep. If you tend to serve an overly hearty meal, rich in fried foods, fats and sugar, or if you drink alcohol or coffee at this meal, it will most likely take hours before you can fall asleep.

In addition to serving dinner earlier (at least two hours before bedtime), try not to overeat, change your menu every night, and opt for herbal teas instead of caffeinated beverages. Moreover, avoid processed foods and instead choose to eat only raw foods as much as possible.

Some relaxation methods that ensure a restful sleep

Sleeping at night is not a fad or a trend, but a necessity. A restful sleep helps your mind to rest and recover, this being an essential ingredient to be able to have positive thoughts. If you get enough sleep you will be less stressed, tired and overwhelmed with worries, and pain and anxiety will become problems of the past.

Relaxation methods

How can you have a restful sleep using relaxation methods? The secret is to follow the advice I presented to you before and try the mediation technique I am going to describe to you. As soon as you start using it, you will never give it up.

Initially, your mind will not respond to this practice. Most likely, it will not be easy for you to concentrate and relax from the beginning. Take it easy, keep your composure and don’t be discouraged, you will soon enjoy a restful sleep.

If you have used other tricks to fall asleep (such as sedatives or the use of a TV), your body will respond even harder to natural methods. But don’t give up: in the end you will succeed!

This meditation technique will not only help you to have a restful sleep every night, but it will be useful in any situation. Remember the following steps:

Serve a light dinner

As already mentioned, it is advisable not to eat much in the evening. When our body digests the food we eat, it is very difficult for us to focus on other activities.

If you fall asleep during the digestion process, you will either wake up at night or feel bloated in the morning. Avoid eating immediately before bed, even if it’s just a slice of apple or a cookie.

Get a massage

Use your fingertips (be careful not to scratch your nails) to massage your scalp for five to ten minutes. Start at the forehead and move up until you reach the nape of the neck. There are various massage devices that can be useful to you and, if you want, you can ask your partner to help you. Massages will help you relax.

Relaxation methods for better sleep


Listen to relaxing music

If you live in a city, you are already used to being surrounded by noise, but this factor is not good for your health. To have a restful sleep, we advise you to listen to relaxing music before bed.

Opt for instrumental music, in the ancient Hindu, Buddhist or Chinese style, similar to that used in mediation or yoga classes. Classical music is also recommended.

Some people fall asleep more easily if they hear certain sounds of nature, such as the chirping of birds, the murmur of the waterfall, or the sound of rain falling on the roof. Try all these methods of relaxation and see which works best for you.

Practice conscious breathing

It is very easy to underestimate the importance of how you breathe. Before going to bed, sit on the edge of the bed, with your back straight and your shoulders slightly pulled back. Breathe lightly and deeply through your nose three times in a row. If you close your eyes, you will relax more easily.

With each exhalation, you will release tension, stress and worries. Every time you inhale air, imagine that a soft and gentle light enters your body, warms you and heals you.

Move your hands and feet

Sitting on the edge of the bed, move your legs from top to bottom, then sideways and use your ankles to draw circles in the air. Do the same movements with their hands and wrists. Thanks to this method of relaxation, you will feel better and enjoy a restful sleep.

A restful sleep is essential for your beauty

Sleep well!

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