Reducing Possible Uric Acid Level With 4 Foods

It is very important to eat foods that can help reduce uric acid production. At the same time, we must make sure that we avoid foods that promote the accumulation of this substance.
Reduction of uric acid level possible with 4 foods

Do you have a high level of uric acid? Do your joints become inflamed and hurt? If your answer to these questions is yes, we advise you to make an appointment with your doctor and change your diet. But don’t you want to know what foods can help reduce uric acid levels? Read on and remember!

Foods that can help reduce uric acid levels

Feet affected by uric acid

Sometimes it is not easy for us to eat healthy. We become followers of certain harmful eating habits and neglect our health, getting sick.

Why is uric acid formed in the body?  Remember that the human body can turn ingested foods (processed foods, anchovies, meat, liver, sweetened juices and more) into uric acid.

Once they enter the body, these foods turn into crystals. Uric acid crystals are released into the blood by the kidneys. They reach the blood vessels, where they cause inflammation and pain.

A feature of high uric acid in the body is inflammation of the big toe, hands and knees. The pain may seem bearable at first, but most of the time it gets worse over time.

You should follow the doctor’s advice and take the recommended medications. Also, pay attention to what you eat in order to relieve the symptoms experienced. Why do not you try? Include some of the foods below in your diet and you will see the results.

1. Artichokes

Artichokes help reduce uric acid levels

Artichoke is the best vegetable that can help reduce uric acid levels. This is due to its diuretic properties, which help the body eliminate toxins and prevent water retention.

In addition, artichokes contain a lot of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It is rich in fiber, protein and fatty acids.

To benefit from all its properties, it is best to eat boiled artichokes. With their help you can prepare a delicious soup. Serve with a drop of olive oil and apple cider vinegar.

2. Onions

Onions against uric acid

Don’t forget to eat and onion as often as possible. Our ancestors considered it a suitable remedy for many diseases. Onions are effective in reducing uric acid and blood sugar levels. It is also useful for lowering the value of triglycerides.

Don’t know how to use it to get the best results? Take two onions of the right size, clean them, cut them and then boil them. When they become transparent, take them off the heat and strain them. Set aside the water in which they boiled, to consume it with lemon juice throughout the day.

3. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is useful for removing uric acid

What do you think about the pumpkin? Isn’t it very tasty and healthy?

Pumpkin has strong diuretic properties that can eliminate uric acid by increasing the amount of urine. In this way the body gets rid of harmful toxins.

Try to prepare it following the recipe presented in the previous subpoint. Don’t forget the seeds. They are a wonderful snack and have the same properties that combat the accumulation of uric acid.

4. Celery

Green juice effective against uric acid

Celery has special properties for the body. This tasty vegetable works wonders in any recipe you include.

Celery cleanses the blood, thus eliminating uric acid naturally. It also acts as a detoxifying agent and helps you lose weight. If you want to benefit from the properties of celery, boil it in water.

4. Carrots

Carrot juice useful against uric acid

Carrots are also a reliable ally when it comes to reducing uric acid levels. They taste any recipe and fight to eliminate the crystals that form uric acid.

You can consume them in the form of juice or raw. Try to combine them with beets, processing them with a blender or juicer.

Do not forget!

  • Also keep in mind that processed foods, game meat, beer, anchovies, sardines or other ocean fish increase uric acid levels.
  • Exercise every day and you will feel the difference.
  • Always follow the doctor’s advice, as well as the regimen and treatment prescribed by him.
  • Eat beneficial fruits such as citrus fruits (especially grapefruit) or cherries. They are rich in vitamin C, an element that combats the problems described in this article.

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