Oral Cavity: Diseases And Treatments

It is important to take care of the oral cavity to prevent the occurrence of various complications, such as cavities, halitosis (bad breath), gingivitis or canker sores.
Oral cavity: diseases and treatments

The oral cavity (mouth) is an area very vulnerable to various diseases. Each of us can wake up with problems with our gums, teeth, lips or mucous membrane.

How to keep your mouth healthy

More than half of people have mouth problems. Possible causes could be poor oral hygiene or avoiding visits to the dentist. The truth is that we need to undergo a medical check-up from time to time so that we can discover any abnormalities that have occurred in the more vulnerable regions of our body .

Thus, we will be able to avoid the pains, discomfort and canker sores that can appear in the mouth and we will be much healthier. If you want to prevent the most common conditions that can occur in the oral cavity, consider the following tips:

  • Consume less sugar: sugar leads to the development of bacterial plaque, which increases your chances of caries or damage your tooth enamel.
  • Drink less carbonated beverages and coffee, both of which are two of the biggest enemies of white teeth. In addition, if you eat fried or too hot foods, temperature contrasts may occur in the oral cavity. Therefore, the oral cavity will be more sensitive.
Oral cavity
  • Brush your teeth three times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Wash for three minutes, then floss, a tongue scraper and topical fluoride. Don’t use too many teeth whiteners and have a professional whiten your teeth every year.
  • Be careful what medications you take: contraceptives, antibiotics, tranquilizers, painkillers, antihistamines and antidepressants will cause the salivary glands to produce less saliva if you consume them for long periods of time. This means that your mouth will be less protected.
  • Take care of your sensitive gums: if your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, eat an apple or a piece of bread, go to the dentist for a proper treatment.
Sensitive gums

How to treat the main diseases of the oral cavity

Caries is the most dangerous but also the most common condition that can attack the oral cavity. The main cause of cavities is bacterial plaque, the sticky substance that appears on our teeth after we eat. Bacterial plaque leads to the appearance of a transparent coating covering the teeth.

When sugar comes in contact with bacteria in the mouth, it begins to ferment and creates an acid that attacks the teeth. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal.  If you have cavities, go to the dentist immediately to fill your diseased jaws. If you do not treat your caries in time, they can dig into the nerves of your teeth and cause pain.

Another condition of the oral cavity that affects a large number of the adult population is gingivitis. In the case of gingivitis, some bacteria cause the gums to swell, causing them to bleed after brushing your teeth or eating certain foods.

The main cause of this condition is poor oral hygiene. In order to heal, you must go to the dentist to prescribe a special treatment, such as toothpaste or special gels. If left untreated, gingivitis can degenerate into periodontitis, a much more dangerous condition that can attack and destroy the bone of the mandible or jaw.

Bacterial plaque

Other diseases of the oral cavity

Halitosis (bad breath) can occur as a result of an imbalance in the oral cavity, poor oral hygiene, insufficient saliva or gastric problems. If you want to get rid of this unpleasant odor, a very good solution is mint.

Canker sores or ulcers often occur for various reasons, such as stress, eating spicy foods, using too strong a hygiene product. Accidental biting of the inside of the lips and scratching with food when eating can also be causes.

They occur when you have low immunity and the microorganisms that live in your oral cavity begin to multiply abnormally. Canker sores should not be confused with the symptoms of herpes, as the treatments for these two conditions are different.

People who wear braces are also susceptible to canker sores. In general, they heal on their own, but if in a few days they still do not heal, you will need to strengthen your immune system. One of the common natural remedies for canker sores is the use of honey, applying it directly on canker sores.

It is good to gargle with sage, carbonated water or salt water.

Diseases of the oral cavity

When you have a burning sensation in your mouth, especially on your tongue (a condition also called “burnt mouth syndrome”), you may feel a similar pain as when you burn yourself. Menopausal women are most prone to this condition.

In addition to the burning sensation, the symptoms also include numbness, a bitter taste and dryness. The main remedy for this condition is mint, a plant with antiseptic properties that can give you a feeling of coolness. Make a mint infusion and use it to rinse your mouth a few times each day.

Garlic and onions for mouth ailments

In addition, you can also take advantage of the properties of garlic and onions. Prepare a mixture of these two ingredients and apply it on the tongue, and then rinse well with water. The pain and inflammation should go away immediately.

And last but not least, a fairly common condition of the oral cavity is “dry mouth”. Its main causes are stress, anxiety, depression and smoking. Diabetes, immune system problems, antidepressant or antihypertensive use, and dehydration can be causes of the condition.

Symptoms include a burning sensation, pain, bad breath, taste disturbances and cavities. If you want to keep your mouth dry, you can use chamomile, green tea or ginger.

Garlic for mouth ailments

Photo source: Daniela Vladimirova, db Photography, Demi-Brooke, Miranda Granche, SuperFantastic, Bradley Gordon and Stuartpilbrow.

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