Old Clothes – 8 Interesting Uses

If you have old clothes that you no longer wear, do not throw them in the trash. You can customize them, give them in exchange or give them to those in need.
Old clothes - 8 interesting uses

Do you have a closet full and you don’t know what to do with so many clothes? Read on to discover the most interesting uses for old clothes. Maybe some of the tips below will take you by surprise, but you will see that they are very useful. Remember!

8 interesting uses for old clothes

1. Put them in a donation container

Old clothes can be donated to those in need

Charities and humanitarian organizations often have donation containers where you can leave the old clothes you want to give to those in need. There are certainly several such places near your home.

In general, these organizations offer temporary work to people at high risk of being marginalized by society. These individuals are the ones who sort the old donated clothes.

Do not underestimate the importance of donating old clothes. In addition to helping people in need find a job, the old clothes in your closet will reach people who really need them.

2. Donate them to shelters

Another option is to donate your old clothes directly to a shelter for street people. These places offer donations received to people with disabilities or non-profit organizations.

Shelters also deal with the distribution of donated items to people in need or their resale in order to obtain funds for projects such as donation containers mentioned in the previous point.

3. Give them in exchange

This trick is especially useful for old children’s clothes. In general, the defect of these clothing items is not that they are too old, but that they no longer fit the little ones. One possible solution is to give them in return.

Thus, you will give new life to clothes that are still in good condition and you will receive in return new clothes that come in handy. You can find opportunities to exchange your old clothes in special markets or innovative stores that offer this service for a fixed amount of money.

There are also many websites that specialize in exchanging old clothes. You will need to do some research on the internet to discover these sites, but the possibilities are endless.

4. Are you skilled?

Maybe the item of clothing you consider old just needs to be updated to look good again. Repairing and modifying clothes on our own or with the help of a specialist helps us save money and be more responsible consumers.

5. Renew your wardrobe!

Old clothes can be modified to be fashionable again

If you want to get rid of an item of clothing because it is no longer fashionable, you better try to modify it to give it a modern look. Here are some useful tricks to help you modernize your wardrobe:

  • Cut out a pair of old pants to turn them into shorts
  • Perform embroidery on the material of old clothes
  • Tighten pants that are too wide
  • Add buttons or other accessories
  • Study more websites to find out what the current trends are and how you can change your old clothes

6. Use old clothes to make toys or book covers

Old clothes should be reused creatively

If you put your imagination to work, there are a lot of interesting uses for old clothes. For example, you can use them to make various objects. Use socks and buttons to create puppets or other interesting toys that your children will love.

Another interesting way to reuse old clothes is to use them to make covers to protect your books. Colored materials are ideal for covering a diary, a favorite book or a photo album. You can customize any object with the help of your old clothes.

7. Making lampshades and photo frames

Other interesting uses for your old clothes would be to make lampshades and photo frames.

Here’s how you can beautify neglected lamps:

  • With a little glue, you can cover the lampshades with the material of old clothes
  • Cut the material so that it has the same dimensions as the lampshade
  • Add buttons or various colored materials to create interesting patterns

Another option is to use old clothing material to make a photo frame:

  • Wrap a cardboard or wooden frame with the material in question. You will get a perfect object to frame your favorite photos.
  • You can also wrap an old photo frame to modernize its appearance.

8. Make a blanket

Interesting uses for old clothes

You probably haven’t thought about it, but it seems like one of the most interesting uses for old clothes, doesn’t it? Mix or match the squares of the old clothes material to make a beautiful blanket for your bed.

Remember, the softer the material, the better. Some t-shirts are made of very soft materials, only good for knitting a blanket.

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