Natural Remedies To Treat Herpes

By applying a film of cosmetic Vaseline on the affected area, protect it from bacteria and speed up healing.
Natural remedies for treating herpes

Before you introduce some remedies to treat herpes, find out that it is a rash caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 1, which is usually taken by kissing or by direct contact with a person who has such a rash.

Once you have contracted the virus, it stays in your body all your life and can recur when you suffer from a cold, fever, infections, sunburn, food allergies or during times of stress.

According to the MedLine Plus web portal, almost all people get herpes once they reach adulthood. The rash is considered to have five phases: burning sensation, blistering, blister drainage, crust formation and healing.

The most contagious phase is when the blisters rupture and the fluid inside them leaks. Obviously, it is best to stop the eruption in the first phase, before the appearance of blisters. But even if they have already appeared, there are a lot of remedies for treating herpes.

Cover herpes

Many people make the mistake of covering up herpes with makeup. This only makes healing more difficult and keeps the blisters longer.

Instead of using foundation, cover the herpes with a film of Vaseline, which will protect it from bacteria and speed up the healing process. Also, when going outside, use a sunscreen to avoid other lesions.

Use lip balm

Treating herpes naturally

In stores there are numerous lip balms containing docosanol, which accelerates the healing process. If you are exposed to the wind or live in an area with a dry climate, to avoid the appearance of herpes, use lip balm.

Foods that help treat herpes

There are foods that, containing the amino acid lysine, help treat herpes. Milk, fish, meat and vegetables are among them.

On the other hand, foods containing the amino acid arginine promote the appearance of Herpes simplex virus type 1. Arginine is found in chocolate, hazelnuts, dried fruits and almonds.

Black tea

If you have herpes, gently rub the affected area with a sachet of black tea. This remedy reduces pain and helps to heal blisters.


Garlic helps treat herpes

Garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties and effective in fighting a large number of viruses. To treat herpes, cut a clove of garlic in half and apply half directly on the affected area.


As I said above, milk contains lysine, an amino acid that speeds up the healing of herpes. Soak a cotton pad in milk and apply it on herpes. It is best to use this remedy at the first signs of a rash.

Tomatoes and aloe vera

For daily cleaning of the affected area, use tomato juice. Leave it on for a few minutes and then apply aloe vera gel. This plant contains many beneficial substances for the skin and helps to dry the blisters quickly.


Treatment of herpes with lime juice

Lime has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help treat herpes. You just need to drip a little juice directly on herpes three times a day.

Honey and apple cider vinegar

Both honey and apple cider vinegar have antiviral properties and fight herpes. Mix a teaspoon of honey with a little vinegar and apply the mixture on herpes with a cotton swab.

Prevention and care

Avoid toothbrushes, towels or other objects that were used during the eruption. If they have been contaminated, you run the risk of the rash recurring if you continue to use them.

If possible, avoid cups, cutlery or other dirty objects. Use disinfectant to remove bacteria and viruses.

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