Natural Remedies For Treating Heartburn

To treat heartburn, it is important to chew food well, as saliva helps optimize the digestive process. 
Natural remedies for treating heartburn

Heartburn is a troublesome problem that can damage your entire digestive system, as well as your overall health. In this article we present some natural remedies for treating heartburn that you can use to avoid the use of drugs and avoid their side effects.

Antacids are not always the best solution

Antacid consumption is not always the best solution for treating heartburn. In the long run, these drugs can affect the digestive system and the whole body.

Antacids alter the body’s natural acidity, and the body needs a certain pH level to digest food properly. If you destroy these acids, you weaken your stomach and predispose it to disease.

Alkalization of the diet

Alkaline foods for treating heartburn

The most effective and long-lasting solution for treating heartburn is the alkalization of the diet. Therefore, it is advisable to eat foods with alkaline properties that naturally regulate the level of gastric acids in the body. In this way, you do not change the acidic pH of your stomach, but gradually reduce the acidity, without affecting your digestive process.

What are alkaline foods?

  • Green leafy vegetables: celery, broccoli, cucumber, parsley, etc.
  • Other vegetables: tomatoes, kale, beets
  • Fruits: avocado, lemon, grapefruit
  • Beans
  • Oilseeds: almonds
  • seed
  • Seaweed

Eliminate acidic foods from your diet

In addition to adding alkaline foods to your diet, you need to eliminate acidic ones:

  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Commercial juices and beverages
  • White sugar
  • Refined flour
  • Sea salt
  • Dairy products
  • Fry
  • Meats

Drink more water

Water to treat heartburn

To improve your digestion, fight heartburn and eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day between meals, preferably on an empty stomach. It is a simple solution that offers amazing results.

Medication for the treatment of heartburn

This natural remedy for stomach ulcers and heartburn was very popular a few decades ago.


  • The juice of a raw potato
  • Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Administration method

  • Mix the two ingredients well and take the remedy on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • Consume it for nine consecutive days.

Can I drink lemon juice?

Lemon juice for treating heartburn

Although it is an acidic fruit, lemon neutralizes gastric acid. That is why many people drink lemon juice after a meal or use it to season salads.

  • You can drink a little lemon juice diluted in water before and after meals.
  • However, if this treatment does not work for you, you can opt for any of the other remedies proposed in this article.

Chew better food

Heartburn can also be caused by the way we eat. Many people eat in a hurry or in stressful times. Thus, the time and place allocated to the meal do not allow good digestion.

It is important to pay close attention to serving food. Sit down, relax and eat without thinking about worries and problems. This way, you will have the time and condition necessary to chew the food better. This simple habit improves your digestive process, because saliva contains many enzymes.

Baths with baking soda

Baking soda for treating heartburn

Baking soda is one of the most widely used natural remedies for treating heartburn. However, regular consumption of baking soda is not beneficial, as this product can have the same effects as antacids in pharmacies.

A healthier way to take advantage of the benefits of baking soda is hot baths, either just for the feet or for the whole body. In this way, the alkaline properties of baking soda penetrate the skin pores, which open due to water temperature.

A bath of 15 to 20 minutes is enough to enjoy the benefits mentioned above.

Clay water

Another remedy for treating heartburn with  immediate effects is clay water. Not all types of clay can be ingested, which is why it is advisable to use white clay.


  • 1 teaspoon white clay (5 g)
  • ½ cup of water (100 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Add the clay to the water and mix the two ingredients well with a wooden or plastic spoon. It is important not to use a metal spoon.
  • Wait 10 minutes, then drink the water.

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