Natural Remedies For Cataracts

Cataracts are an increasingly common eye condition. In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, use some natural remedies to speed up healing.
Natural remedies for cataracts

Cataracts are an almost endemic problem of the 21st century for several reasons. These include the growth of the elderly population, factors related to nutrition and physiological causes or excessive use of devices with light screens. In order for the treatment prescribed by the doctor to be more effective, it is necessary to resort to natural remedies for cataracts.

What is cataract?

Vision loss occurs when the lens of the eye (called the lens) becomes opaque. This means that the “magnifying glass” we have in our eyes loses its transparency and begins to darken more and more, until it becomes a “curtain” that impedes the process of imaging on the retina. It is as if the lens of a video camera becomes dirty due to the accumulation of residue and is no longer able to capture images.

Eyes that need natural remedies for cataracts

Cataracts are a degenerative and painless eye disease. Its most obvious symptom is the appearance of the eyes. A kind of “milky veil” gradually covers the pupil, which will lose its black color as the patient ages, eventually becoming gray.

Cataracts are caused by the accumulation of a protein in the lens, which leads to the appearance of this “veil” that blocks the access of light to the retina.

The need for natural remedies for cataracts

This process is a gradual one, the pupil can be completely covered in the most severe cases, the sick person reaching blindness. Cataracts affect almost half of the population over the age of 65.

In very severe cases, it may be necessary to operate on the sick person. Unfortunately, in many cases, this treatment does not improve vision. You should contact your ophthalmologist to receive a personalized assessment of your situation and prospects for recovery.

But there are many natural options that you can try before resorting to surgery. By applying the tricks that we are going to present to you, you will be able to treat the cataract, slowing it down and maybe even stopping its evolution permanently. If this does not happen, it is recommended to consult your ophthalmologist.

The lens is composed of 75% water, and proteins and their distribution are the factor that affects the ability to perceive light.

Here are some natural remedies for cataracts. Diabetics and women are much more prone to the disease, as are people who already have relatives with cataracts.

Those who use high doses of corticosteroids (over 15 mg per day) for long periods of time or those who smoke are also more vulnerable.

The need for natural remedies for cataracts for smokers

Natural remedies for cataracts and habits that help prevent the disease

  • You need to have a diet rich in vitamins A and C, essential for tissues and for the proper functioning of the eyes. To obtain vitamin A, eat “red” vegetables and fruits (carrots, oranges, papaya, etc.), as well as spinach. The latter is highly recommended to prevent the development of cataracts. To meet your vitamin C needs, there is a wide range of products you can consume, such as spirulina and leaves or Moringa oil.
  • Eliminate sugary drinks, but also pure sugar from your diet. Sugar weakens the nervous system and contributes to its degradation. For the same reasons, avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • You need to consume natural sources of antioxidants. These include oranges, lemons, grapefruit, strawberries, black grapes, broccoli, tomatoes, olive oil and Moringa oil. Antioxidants fight free radicals that can accumulate in the eyes and can promote cataracts.
  • Adopt a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.  You can get them from food supplements or by consuming fish (especially fatty fish) or flax seeds, chia seeds or oils. According to several studies, consuming tuna once a week reduces your risk of developing cataracts by up to 12%.
  • The eye lining should not be allowed to dehydrate. Drink plenty of water, at least two liters a day. Avoid very salty or spicy food.
  • The liver is closely related to vision. It is very important to maintain the health of this organ.

Recommendations to prevent cataracts

Your behavior and attitude are very important to prevent, stop and even cure cataracts. Take into account the following:

  • Make an appointment regularly (at least once every two years) with your ophthalmologist to see your eyes.
  • Protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses and hats / caps when you go out.
  • Avoid exposure to solar ultraviolet (UVA) rays, which are more dangerous than those emitted by the sun (UVB).
  • If you do not have a perfectly dark room to sleep at night, use a sleep mask. The pineal gland produces melatonin (the hormone that delays aging) while you sleep, but only if you are surrounded by darkness.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Follow appropriate treatment if you have diabetes.
  • Practice “eye relaxation”, an excellent adjunct when using natural remedies for cataracts. Do this for half an hour looking insistently at a plant, a green leaf or a quiet field and maintaining a state of tranquility.

Natural medicine claims that the main reasons why cataracts develop are the adoption of an unhealthy diet and the existence of diseases that cause tension in the eye muscles. Cataracts are more common in diabetics and smokers, not affecting the entire elderly population.

All of the risk factors listed above prevent blood and nutrient irrigation of the lens. To prevent cataracts, it is necessary to follow a proper diet, rich in nutrients and exercise to eliminate tension in the eye muscles.

Natural remedies for cataracts

  • Honey is a famous ally in the fight against cataracts. Apply pure (unrefined) honey on the eyes. It has antibiotic properties and helps cleanse and nourish the eyes.
  • Apply an infusion of anise or raw potatoes on your eyelids for an hour every day.
  • A daily infusion of red peppers or Euphrasia plants helps to slow the development of cataracts.
  • Use filtered sea salt eye drops daily. This may initially irritate your eyes.
  • Put a few drops of diluted lemon in serum or pure water. It may give you burning sensations if your eyes are dirty or suffering from conjunctivitis, but they will not hurt you and have wonderful healing properties.
  • Castor oil is one of my best natural remedies for cataracts. Wet your fingers and apply this oil on the edge of the eye so that it penetrates inside. Moringa oil is also very good, but it will irritate you more because of its antibiotic properties. Apply one of these two oils on the eyes for at least a month. You can also use linseed or cod oil, one drop at a time every night.
  • Aloe Vera. Apply two or three drops of pureed pulp.
  • Cold onion slices. Keep the onion slices in the fridge for half an hour and then put them on the eyes for five minutes.
  • Boil chamomile (25 g), shock (30 g), a potato, half a cucumber and flax seeds (15 g) in a liter of water. Then soak compresses in this mixture and apply them on the eyes.

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