Methods To Prevent Wrinkles Around The Mouth

It is easier to prevent wrinkles around the mouth than to treat them. Find out what you can do about it!
Methods of preventing wrinkles around the mouth

The lips are surrounded by a thin layer of skin (similar to the one around the eyes). For this reason, wrinkles appear more in this area than in any other part of the face. Read on to find out the best ways to prevent wrinkles around the mouth.

Fine wrinkles around the lips: why, where, how

Prevention of wrinkles around the mouth

Wrinkles that appear above the lips are also called “barcodes”. There are several causes for which fine wrinkles form around the mouth. Here are some of them:

  • The stress and anxiety that make you tighten your lips. 
  • The habit of licking your lips throughout the day.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Lack of hydration.
  • Diet poor in vitamins and minerals.
  • Low intake of antioxidants.
  • Excessive exposure to sun, wind or cold, without protecting your skin.
  • Lack of “training” of the muscles around the lips.
  • The habit of drinking with straw and smoking (lipstick).
  • Poor blood circulation in this area of ​​the face.
Smoking causes wrinkles around the mouth

Methods of preventing wrinkles around the mouth

If you notice that wrinkles have started to form on the sides of your mouth, the first step is to try to find out the cause, guided by the information presented below. If you are not facing this problem yet, it is still good to read them . They will help you prevent the appearance of fine or deeper wrinkles (in fact, they are useful if you have dry and chapped lips).

Do mouth exercises

How should you train your mouth muscles? Don’t worry, you don’t need to take a special course to learn. You can do these simple exercises at home (or wherever you want).

The exercises described below strengthen the muscles around your lips and stimulate blood circulation. Open your mouth slowly, as if you want to pronounce the vowel “O” or listen. Then open it as if you want to pronounce the letter “A”. Alternate between these two positions without closing your mouth.

You will feel a slight tension when you move your lips, because they are not used to this exercise, but it is a normal thing. If the discomfort occurs because you have dry lips, apply a little almond oil before you start.

Pay attention to the position and movement of the lips

It is necessary to always pay attention to the way you hold or move your lips during your daily activities: at work, at school, while watching TV, reading a book or talking to a friend.

Sometimes we don’t realize that we are pursing our lips, especially when we are nervous, tense or focused. If you notice that your lips are pursed, return them immediately to their normal position.

Apply essential oils

Olive oil as a method of preventing wrinkles around the mouth

As you noticed in the example above, there are some interesting ways to keep your lips healthy and free of wrinkles. When you bathe, hot water opens the pores. Take advantage of these moments to apply a little walnut essential oil on your lips, for example.

If you want to do this on another occasion and not after the bath, moisten a towel with hot water and massage the area around the mouth. Remember that the skin is very delicate in this region, and can be burned if the towel is too hot. Choose essential oils rich in vitamin E to prevent or reduce wrinkles.

Prepare your face masks

There are several ways to prevent wrinkles around the mouth. Here are some recipes for useful masks for this purpose:

Recipe no. 1


  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar


Mix the three ingredients and apply the mask around the lips in a circular motion. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe no. 2


  • 3 tablespoons beeswax
  • 5 drops of apricot kernel oil
  • 5 drops of camphor essential oil


Mix the ingredients well and apply the ointment to prevent wrinkles around the mouth. They make the skin elastic and moisturize dry and chapped lips.

Wrinkle balm around the mouth

Apply moisturizers

The creams are nourishing and moisturizing, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. A good idea is to mix aloe vera and rosehip.


  • 1 aloe vera leaf
  • 1 handful of rosehips
  • 1 cup water


Heat water and rosehips. Meanwhile, extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf. Allow the water and rosehip mixture to cool, then strain it. Add a little aloe vera gel and apply on the lips. Do not overuse this cream, as it may have the opposite effect.

Adopt a diet to prevent wrinkles around the mouth

Proper nutrition is essential for the beauty of the skin, be it around the mouth or any other part of the body. Fresh juices and salads are good for health, both internally and externally. Include the following foods in your diet to have beautiful and healthy skin:

  • Avocado
  • Lucerne
  • Sesame
  • Carrot
  • Broccoli
  • Lemon
  • Guava
  • Tomatoes

These are important sources of vitamin E, antioxidants, vitamin C and enzymes needed for a smooth, rejuvenated skin.

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