Medicinal Properties Of Mint Tea

Mint is part of the same family as rosemary and thyme. It stands out due to its digestive properties and its content of vitamins and minerals.
Medicinal properties of mint tea

The medicinal properties of mint tea have been known for centuries. As hard as it may seem to believe, many organs of our body will benefit if we choose to consume this drink.

Mint is a plant native to the Mediterranean region, cultivated worldwide. There are several species of mint, all belonging to the Mentha family .

Despite their diversity, all types of mint have common features: a strong aroma, usually green leaves and pale purple flowers. Different species of mint grow in moist soils.

Some interesting information about mint

The medicinal properties of mint tea very affordable

In this sub-section we will present you some basic information about mint, as well as the ways in which it has been used over time:

  • Mint grows quickly, has branches and can reach a height of half a meter.
  • Mint flowers can be purple or white. They appear as the plant grows.
  • There are about 25 subspecies of plants in the mint family, such as rosemary, thyme and fir. All are considered to be aromatic plants.
  • Mint leaves are used to prepare infusions, but we can also take advantage of the essential oils in their composition, applying them externally on different regions of the body.
  • This wonderful plant provides vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals.
  • If you are trying to grow mint at home, be very careful. Do not leave it in the sun excessively and supply it with enough water. The leaves can be harvested throughout the year.
  • Its scientific name is Mentha , which comes from Minthe, the name of a nymph in the mythology of ancient Greece who was the mistress of Hades. Because of her excessive jealousy, the god turned her into a plant.

Medicinal properties of mint tea

In today’s article we present the medicinal properties of mint tea. You already know that mint is easy to plant and obtain. Always keep it handy for the following benefits.

Mint and digestive system

Medicinal properties of mint tea that support digestion

Mint is used after meals to help the stomach “settle”. In addition, it can relieve flatulence and facilitate the digestion of food. It is recommended to eat mint when we experience stomach pain, which has an antispasmodic and antiemetic effect. If you feel too “full”, prepare an infusion with mint leaves.

  • This drink stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and reduces nausea.
  • It is not recommended to consume mint for a long time. This can cause gastritis or irritation of the stomach walls.

Mint and respiratory system

Because it contains menthol, mint has decongestant properties. It can stimulate sweating and eliminate nasal obstructions. Mint is used to treat the flu and colds and to reduce fever. In addition, its antiviral properties are useful in overcoming many respiratory diseases.

Some people take advantage of the benefits of mint to treat bronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma. Those who have quit smoking or cough frequently due to cigarettes will experience less discomfort in the throat with the help of this plant.

Mint, liver and intestines

Mint can also be used to stimulate liver function and bile secretion. For example, many patients use it to treat abdominal cramps and improve digestion if their liver does not function “properly.”

You can fight diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease with mint. In addition, it helps eliminate gas from the intestines and prevents the accumulation and rot of waste.

Mint and blood circulation

Due to the eugenol and rosemary acid in its composition, mint has an anticoagulant effect. It improves blood circulation and can treat problems such as headaches.

You can also consume it to avoid symptoms such as altitude sickness (acrophobia), because it ensures a better supply of oxygen to the cells and supports the elimination of toxins.

External uses

Woman who takes advantage of the medicinal properties of mint tea

In addition to the properties already mentioned, mint is useful to combat:

  • Bad breath
  • Rheumatic pains (if applied as an ointment)
  • Skin strengthening

Of course, mint is also a reliable ally in the kitchen.

How is the miraculous mint tea made?

Do not hesitate to prepare this infusion to relieve the symptoms experienced. It is very simple!


  • 6 mint leaves
  • ½ cup (125 ml) of water

Preparation and consumption

  • First, heat half a cup of water and add the mint leaves.
  • Then, as soon as it boils, take the infusion off the heat and let it sit.
  • It is best to drink hot mint tea.

Make sure you take advantage of all the medicinal properties of mint tea. Plant mint in your garden and you will improve your health.

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