Maca Root Treats Menopausal Symptoms

In addition to bringing many benefits to women’s health, maca root is also useful for improving athletic performance.
Maca root treats the symptoms of menopause

Maca root, less well known until now, is starting to become more and more popular among women. The reason is well-founded, because this ingredient treats the symptoms of menopause and premenopause. 

In addition, maca root has other benefits that can benefit both women and men, regardless of age.

What is maca root?

Maca is a plant native to Peru, more precisely from the Andes mountains. The plant has been used in various branches of natural medicine, becoming an ally of alternative medicine in treating various diseases.

Maca root is rich in B-complex vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and fiber. Maca has become known for helping the proper functioning of the endocrine system. Also, according to studies, maca helps to treat hormonal disorders in women, effectively relieving menopausal symptoms.

Maca root is also useful for athletes, as it helps to improve performance and provides a lot of energy. Maca also has many other properties that make it an ideal element in a healthy diet.

How is maca consumed?

Maca root can be eaten in two ways: in powder or capsule form. Regardless of the shape chosen, maca offers the same benefits. However, the dose varies depending on the condition we want to treat.

It is preferable to consume it in powder form to know exactly how much you are consuming. You should also start with a smaller amount, then gradually increase the dose consumed so that your body gets used to the energy that the plant provides.

Treat menopausal symptoms with maca – consumption recommendations

In the following, we will detail some forms in which you can consume this special plant. Feel free to try the following recipes:

1. Smoothies

Since maca root is rich in nutrients and phytochemicals, you can eat it in the form of smoothies. You can add pieces of fruit to get a better taste.


  • A tablespoon of maca powder (15 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • 100 g of pieces of fruit of your choice


  • Dissolve the maca powder root in cold water.
  • Process the ingredients in a blender.
  • Serve immediately after cooking.

2. Teas

Treat menopausal symptoms with maca powder

To make a tea, you need a larger amount of maca root. This way, you will be able to fight extreme fatigue.

Maca root tea treats the symptoms of menopause effectively, with extreme fatigue being one of the most unpleasant.


  • 3 tablespoons ground macaque root (45 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


  • Heat the water and add the maca root.
  • Leave the tea for 20 minutes on medium heat.
  • Sweeten to taste, then serve.

3. Desert

In trade, you can find maca chocolate, this being a sweeter variant, but which retains all the mentioned properties. Thus, the plant can also be used to prepare desserts. You can, for example, add it to the cream, along with the biscuits.


  • ½ cup of cream (125 ml)
  • 45 g of grated maca chocolate
  • Pieces of biscuits


  • First, mix the cream and grated maca chocolate.
  • After you have mixed them well, add the pieces of biscuits.
  • We recommend that you eat this dessert once a week.

4. Soup

Treat the symptoms of menopause with a vegetable and maca soup

Due to the vitamins it contains, maca is an ideal ingredient for soups. Maca vitamins treat menopausal symptoms.


  • 1 kg of vegetables (optional)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • Spices (to taste)
  • A tablespoon of maca powder (15 g)


  • Prepare the vegetable soup, adding the spices and maca powder.
  • Mix the soup well. Consume the hot preparation.

5. Maca drinks that treat the symptoms of menopause

Treat menopausal symptoms with maca powder

If you are in a time crunch, but still want to eat maca root, you can even add the ingredient to the water. Thus, you will increase the level of fatty acids and minerals in the body. In this regard, we recommend a recipe for carrot and maca juice.


  • ½ cup of carrots (70 g)
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)
  • 1 tablespoons maca powder (22 g)
  • Honey or sweetener (to taste)


  • Process the carrot with water in a blender, then, if desired, add honey or sweetener.
  • Add the maca powder and process the ingredients again, then serve.
  • We recommend that you consume the drink twice a day.

Maca acts as an adaptogen that helps regulate hormone levels. It is no coincidence that many women consume it. Consumption of this plant also reduces the chances of suffering from osteoporosis or memory loss. Maca can be eaten by anyone, regardless of age or gender.

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