Knee Strengthening Exercises With Injuries

Knees that have suffered injuries should be trained carefully. Improper movement can make the situation worse. Learn how to strengthen these delicate joints. 
Strengthening exercises for injured knees

The knees are complex joints prone to various injuries, as they have to make many movements to perform our daily activities. If you face certain problems, we recommend that you practice certain strengthening exercises for injured knees.

The knees are made up of delicate cartilage, muscles and bones. Along with other small components, they give your knees the ability to support your entire body.

Any problem that affects your knees diminishes, to a certain extent, your quality of life,  because it causes pain and makes it difficult for you to walk.

In case you didn’t know, your knees are very fragile. In addition, their condition can worsen due to various causes: aging, obesity and high-impact physical activity.

Fortunately, there are some exercises that strengthen injured knees and improve their health. Practicing them is indicated even when you feel pain in this area of ​​the body.

1. Bend your hips with your knees outstretched

The best stretches for injured knees

This exercise strengthens the knees and helps repair damaged muscles and ligaments. Even if, first of all, the hips are required, and the knees are involved in the movements performed.


  • Lie on a yoga mat. Keep your knees bent and your feet on the mattress.
  • Stretch one leg as hard as you can, then raise it to the same height as the bent knee of the other leg. 
  • Hold it up for three seconds. Then slowly and gradually return to the starting position.
  • Perform eight repetitions with each knee.

2. Lateral knee raises

The lateral elevations of the knees train the abductor and adductor muscles, but also those around the knees. This exercise reduces joint stiffness and accelerates healing from blows and injuries.


  • Lie on your side on a yoga mat with your lower leg bent and your upper leg fully extended.
  • Keep your hands on the floor to support yourself. Gently lift your hips. Then he raises and lowers his outstretched leg.
  • Perform three sets of eight repetitions on each side of the body.

3. Knee extensions

Stool extensions that strengthen the knees with injuries

Knee extensions are exercises that help restore joint movement when experiencing muscle tension or minor injuries.

It is not recommended to practice extensions if you have problems bending and stretching your knees.

This exercise is done at a slow pace. You will need to raise and lower your leg to train your quadriceps muscle.

  • Sit in a chair or on a firm pedestal with your arms on your side and your back straight.
  • Raise one leg as high as you can. Hold it like this for three seconds.
  • Bend your knee to lower your foot to the ground. Return to starting position with slow movements.
  • Perform three sets of 8-10 reps with each leg.

4. Extensions with the lowering of the foot

You can practice this exercise on the bed or on a yoga mat. Support your back on your knees on a pillow or wrapped towel. In this way, you facilitate the bending of the knees.


  • Sit on your back on the desired surface, with one leg outstretched and the other on the pillow.
  • Keep your hands on your side and your back straight.
  • Stretch your leg on the pillow.
  • Slowly bring him back to the ground.
  • Perform three sets of 8 to 10 repetitions each.

5. Kneeling on the wall

Knee flexions strengthen the knees with injuries

Kneeling on the wall is a great way to train your quadriceps, injured knees and gluteal muscles. 

If you have suffered a trauma to the joints, you must practice this exercise very carefully, because the movements performed can aggravate the situation.


  • Lean your back against the wall and make sure you keep it straight.
  • Spread your legs at shoulder level. Lower the hips without the knees going over the tips of the toes. 
  • Keep your arms outstretched in front of you to keep your balance.
  • Stand up. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions each.

Practicing these exercises regularly helps to relieve knee pain and treat injuries. However, it is important to perform all the movements carefully, because otherwise you can aggravate the problem.

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