Intimate Hygiene Soap – Simple And Effective Recipe

It is known that the health of the intestines is closely linked to that of the genitals. That is why it is important to keep this area clean to avoid complications.
Intimate hygiene soap - simple and effective recipe

In this article we will present a simple recipe to prepare a soap for intimate hygiene at home, using natural ingredients that prevent infections, itching and irritation, while keeping this area clean and healthy.

Ordinary commercial soaps can cause irritation of the intimate area, which requires careful and delicate care, with special products.

Reasons to use an intimate hygiene soap

Many women make the mistake of washing their genitals with the same soap they use for their bodies. However, it is good to use a special soap, which does not contain chemicals or other aggressive substances that can irritate the extremely sensitive tissues in this area.

We need a product with natural ingredients with calming effects, which rebalances the pH level and prevents infections, which occur quite frequently in this area.

Intimate hygiene soap

What you need to prepare an intimate hygiene soap at home

All the ingredients are quite easy to find at drugstores and stores. Don’t forget to get tea tree oil, which prevents candidiasis.

Ingredients and tools

  • 210 ml of coconut oil
  • 30 g of caustic soda
  • 65 ml of distilled water
  • Tea tree essential oil
  • Thyme essential oil
  • Soap form, from any material you want, except aluminum
  • Gloves
  • Goal
  • Vessel for mixing and heating the composition
  • Glass vessel
  • A spoon with a long handle


Strictly follow the instructions below to get a quality soap:

Put on your gloves.

First add caustic soda to the glass jar and then slowly pour the distilled water so that you don’t splash. Their combination occurs with the release of heat and vapors. Refrigerate the solution until it is clear. We recommend that you perform this first step in a well-ventilated room near a window.

In the other bowl, mix the coconut oil over the stove, turning to the minimum. When the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, turn off the stove. Pour caustic soda over it and mix well, being careful not to splash. The composition must reach the consistency of a gel.

Pour 15 drops of tea tree oil and 30 drops of thyme essential oil.

Place the composition in the pre-prepared form.

Cover with a towel to ensure the temperature required for the soap solidification process.

Allow to harden for 12 to 24 hours, without moving the shape.

After it has cooled, you can remove the soap from the mold.

Store it in a dry and cool place and let it dry. After about a month you will be able to use this soap for intimate hygiene 100% natural!

Recommendations for intimate hygiene

If you have had problems with vaginal infections in the past, we recommend that you follow the following tips for proper genital care.

  • Use linen made of natural materials, such as cotton.
  • After washing, you can moisturize your intimate area by applying marigold or sage oil extract, with antibiotic and antibacterial properties. Both oils prevent vaginal infections.
Marigolds for intimate hygiene
  • When the first signs of a vaginal infection appear, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the absorbent daily. The oil will volatilize and the area will be disinfected naturally.
  • Wash your genitals only with products specially designed for this purpose. Give up classic soaps and opt for those with natural and organic ingredients.
  • Remember that the health of the genitals is closely linked to digestive health.
  • Another natural remedy that you can try is the enema from yogurt and salt water, mixed in equal measures.
  • Include in your diet foods such as yogurt, kefir and sana, which keep infections at bay.

Photo source: mommyknows, Kim Becker, cuervo_J and Jess.


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