Injured People Hurt Others

Injured people usually feel that the pain they feel is normal. After all, they know no other way to be.
Injured people hurt others

Injured people tend to hurt themselves as well. Sometimes they hurt others because they have the impression that this is how they will be able to defend themselves. Without realizing it, they hurt because they are hurt.

Maybe some people have hurt you countless times, but have you ever wondered why they behaved this way? We rarely reflect on the possible reasons why a person tries to hurt his fellows.

The injured people suffered a lot

The injured people suffered a lot

In today’s article we want to present you some concrete examples that will help you understand why injured people behave this way.

Imagine that a child has been abused and has seen one of his parents undergo the same treatment. Without realizing it, the little one will begin to believe that this behavior is “normal” and will imitate it.

Although he cries and suffers, as an adult he will abuse his life partner or use violence against anyone who opposes him. Basically, he will adopt a pattern of behavior to which he has been exposed since childhood.

People who are abused only in adulthood could imitate the abusive behaviors they have been subjected to every time they are in a relationship, in order to protect themselves. Their motto is: “This time, I will no longer be the one who suffers”.

And those who have not received enough affection can try to hurt the people in their lives. Every time they are in a relationship, they cling to their partner and suffer from intense emotional dependence. Then come the wounds…

Injured people hurt in turn

Be very careful! This subtle form of abuse has nothing to do with your life. Jealousy, the need to control your partner so that he does not leave you, the guilt, the transformation of the other into your main source of happiness. Eventually, the partner of an injured man will get tired of being in such a toxic relationship.

How should you behave when interacting with injured people?

You can’t force injured people to change. Sometimes they are aware that things can no longer continue like this and that they should change their behavior. But the decision belongs to them, and the others have no way to force them to see the truth. In general, their toxic behavior is not premeditated.

So how can we help injured people and protect ourselves from them at the same time? Here are some options:

  • It does not exert more effort than is natural. Some injured people may try to manipulate you. Others will seek to reveal your past and make you feel sorry for them. But don’t forget that you are important too and that you have to take care of yourself.
  • You can confront them, if you want, but don’t overwork yourself. If you feel that you can no longer continue, learn to say goodbye.
  • Don’t imitate their behavior. These people have been hurt and by imitating them, you are only supporting their toxic behavior. There is even a risk of destroying their self-esteem even more.
  • If you notice that they are trying to hurt you, take a step back.
  • Don’t try to dictate to them what to do. It is impossible to help someone who does not want to receive help. In order not to feel exhausted due to futile attempts, simply do not tell them that you should consult a specialist and do not try to influence them.
Injured people can change

Accept wounded people as they are

In life it is best to accept others (including injured people) as they are. Each of us was hurt at one point but also, probably unintentionally, hurt others.

The instinct for survival sometimes makes us behave inappropriately. It does not take into account values ​​and rules. Its sole purpose is to ensure that you can overcome what is happening to you.

Do not judge the child who is harassing his or her classmates at school too harshly, as he or she may have low self-esteem or problems at home. What matters is to help him correct his behavior in time, before he becomes an adult and it is too late.

Injured people have to accept certain situations

As soon as we mature, only we can open our own eyes. It is important to realize what is happening and to ask for help so that we do not hurt the people around us.

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