Ideal Diet According To Body Type

Knowing what kind of body we have depending on the figure will help us choose the ideal foods for us, as well as a diet that will support weight loss.
The ideal diet depending on your body type

Have you noticed that fat tends to accumulate in specific regions? Have you tried your friend’s special cure, but it didn’t work for you? Do you know what the ideal diet is depending on the type of body you have?

Although it is easy to overlook this aspect, each of us gains weight in a distinct way.

Habits really influence the figure we have. Sometimes, however, we have difficulty losing weight because of the shape of our body, which we inherited from our parents and grandparents.

American psychologist Wiliam Herbert Sheldon classified the human body into three types (somatotypes): ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic. Since then, according to data collected by the University of Houston (USA), nutritionists, coaches and doctors are considering Sheldon’s classification to determine the ideal diet according to the body type of patients.

For this reason, identifying body type is one of the secrets to success when following a cure and to be able to adapt any specific diet plan to personal needs.

What is the ideal diet depending on the type of body you have?

Ectomorphic body (tube-shaped)

The ideal diet depending on the body type completed with exercise

One of the main features of this body type is its “slenderness”. People with an ectomorphic body are those who have difficulty gaining weight.

It is important to consult a doctor to make sure that you do not suffer from any disease. Although the ectomorphic body does not have a lot of fat, their owners have problems in terms of increasing muscle mass.

The ideal diet for ectomorphs consists of:

  • Carbohydrates (55%)
  • Protein (25%)
  • Fats (20%)

Recommended foods

If you have an ectomorphic body, it is important to include the following foods in your diet:

  • vegetables
  • Lean meat
  • Dairy products and eggs
  • Fleshy vegetables and fruits (especially avocados)
  • Laminated nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Whole grains

Recommended physical activities

In terms of movement, people with an ectomorphic body should not engage in many aerobic activities, but focus on muscle development.

  • Weight-bearing or high-impact exercises are ideal for shaping your figure and increasing muscle mass.

Mesomorphic body (apple-shaped)

The ideal diet depending on the body type to shape the silhouette

Women who have a mesomorphic body (ie apple-shaped) are not necessarily obese. The disadvantage of this somatotype is that fat tends to accumulate in the waist.

When she gets fat, a woman whose body is mesomorphic will develop the famous “coil” that forms in the abdominal region. In addition, his belly will grow in much easier proportions due to harmful eating habits.

The ideal diet for women who fall into this category is:

  • Carbohydrates (40%)
  • Protein (30%)
  • Fats (30%)

Recommended foods

If you have a mesomorphic body, try to eat:

  • Fleshy fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meat
  • Degreased dairy products
  • Laminated nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains and legumes

Also, avoid:

  • Processed foods
  • Soft drinks and those sweetened with sugar
  • Fried and canned foods
  • Refined flour

Recommended physical activities

It is said that mesomorphic women are genetically “lucky” because it is much easier for them to shape their figure.

But these women need to supplement a proper diet with regular exercise. As with any other person, their muscles need to be trained.

  • A routine that combines cardiovascular and strength exercises is ideal.
  • It is also healthy to practice yoga or Pilates. These activities help you maintain an ideal body weight and tone your muscles.

Endomorphic body (pear-shaped)

The ideal diet depending on your body type to eliminate fat

Women whose bodies are endomorphic have a slow metabolism. They tend to suffer from overweight, obesity or other metabolic problems.

For this reason, endomorphic women should eliminate between 200 and 500 calories from their daily diet. In addition, it is advisable to limit the intake of salt, this food causing problems associated with water retention.

Recommended foods

If you have an endomorphic body, try to eat the following foods every day:

  • Sources of healthy fats such as olive and avocado oil
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in water
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meat and fish

Avoid or reduce your intake as much as possible:

  • Junk food and processed foods
  • Sodium-rich foods
  • Sugar-sweetened and soft drinks
  • Sweets and baked goods

Recommended physical activities

To supplement the diet just mentioned, endomorphic women should set aside 30 minutes a day to perform aerobic exercise.

  • Walking, jogging and cycling are ideal activities to balance your body weight.
  • As soon as you start losing weight, include strength exercises in your routine three times a week.

It’s not easy to figure out what kind of body you have. We can often observe the features of two or more somatotypes. But in general, each of us falls into one category.

What type of body do you have? If you are trying to change your figure and body weight, find out what your category is and adopt the ideal diet depending on the type of body you have.

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