How To Treat Shoulder Pain

When your shoulder hurts, certain stretches or massages can be helpful, but if the discomfort doesn’t go away, it’s important to see a doctor. Find out more in this article!
How to treat shoulder pain

Wondering how to treat shoulder pain at home? Shoulder pain can have various causes, including daily activities, overwork or sleeping in an inappropriate position.

Joints, ligaments, tendons and bones can be affected by certain repetitive movements. In this article, we show you how to treat shoulder pain.

What are the main types of shoulder pain?

Anyone, regardless of age, can have shoulder problems. A service that involves repetitive movements, the passing of the years and the practice of certain sports can aggravate the situation.

Shoulder pain may be limited to a small area or may extend to the arm. In the second case, it may be a problem with the nerves that pass through this part of the body.

The most common injuries and problems of the shoulders are:

  • dislocation
  • Rotator cuff wear or damage (tendinitis or bursitis)
  • Dislocation
  • Fracture
  • Arthritis
  • “Frozen” shoulder

How to treat shoulder pain

Shoulder pain can be caused by excessive fatigue, overwork after exercise, overtime, etc. Here are some tips for relieving pain:

some rest

How to treat shoulder pain through rest

Most cases of shoulder pain are based on overuse of the joint. Therefore, it is important to let your shoulder rest. Avoid training him, lifting heavy objects or doing repetitive movements with him for several days. You will feel much better!

However, it is not advisable to completely immobilize your shoulder with problems, because you can develop another condition called “frozen shoulder” (the slightest movements cause you pain and you can not do anything).

When you resume your activities, we recommend that you start gradually.

Apply ice

Cold compresses are best for inflammation and pain. They numb the affected area, so you feel better immediately. Ice therapy is recommended for acute injuries, accompanied by inflammation.

How do I proceed?

  • Wrap the ice in a cloth or plastic bag so as not to irritate your skin and hold the compress for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure every two hours until the symptoms disappear.
  • If you do not have a cold compress bought from the store, you can put ice cubes in a plastic bag or you can apply a bag of frozen vegetables.

Take a bath

Wet heat is very useful in case of chronic shoulder pain or that has been bothering you for some time, especially in the morning or after an intense workout.

If you find yourself in this situation, do not apply ice. Instead, opt for moist heat to soften soft tissues (ligaments, tendons, muscles)  and stimulate circulation.

  • You can take a bath with relaxing mineral salts or you can apply a warm and moist compress.
  • In stores, you can find bags of rice that can be heated in the microwave.
  • The third option would be to take a hot shower.

All of these options are more appropriate than an electric blanket,  as it can dehydrate tissues, increasing the risk of injury.

Perform stretches

How to treat shoulder pain by stretching

Morning stretches help reduce stiffness caused by improper posture, sleeping on one side or overwork. When you lightly stretch your shoulders, you help improve ligament flexibility.

  • After you wake up, sit on the edge of the bed and lift your affected arm back.
  • Grasp your elbow with your other hand and press.
  • Another useful move is to rotate your shoulder back and forth a few times.

You can do these stretches in any part of the day, but be careful not to use this method if you have acute pain or radiation in other areas.

Pay attention to your daily movements

The pain you feel in one shoulder or both can be caused by the work you do or an activity you do on a daily basis.

For example, sitting in front of a computer for hours at work, lifting weights, or carrying heavy bags or bags in one hand can cause shoulder pain.

Pay attention to the moment when the shoulder pain appears and make a connection with the movement or activity carried out at that moment.

Sometimes only a minor change is needed to improve the situation, such as repositioning the monitor, reducing the heavy weights in the gym or balancing the bags carried in both hands. A few simple tricks can show you how to treat shoulder pain!

Get a massage

How to treat shoulder pain through massage

If you want to know how to treat chronic shoulder pain, it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist. Before making an appointment with a doctor, you can also try a relaxing massage that is felt in the muscles and tissues.

Massages are useful for mild or moderate dislocations, but are not recommended for more serious injuries.

Another effective solution could be acupuncture, an ancient Chinese technique that involves using needles to relieve pain and speed healing.

There are other treatments, such as chiropractic treatment and osteopathy. If none of the above solutions work, it is best to consult a physiotherapist.

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