How To Prevent Hair Growing Under The Skin

The best way to prevent the growth of hairs grown under the skin is to avoid epilating with a razor blade or wax. The hair on the body is not there for aesthetic reasons. It serves as protection for the skin.
How to prevent hair grown under the skin

Hair grown under the skin is hair that has been removed and grown again, but this time under the skin. When this happens, a slight pain or inflammation usually occurs. There will also be swelling full of pus in the place where the hair follicle is. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent hair growing under the skin.

Hair grown under the skin can affect anyone who epilates the body. It doesn’t matter if you remove unwanted hair with a razor, tweezers or wax. Hair grows more often under the skin in the case of thick and rough hairs, similar to those in a man’s beard.

Anyone can have hair grown under the skin anywhere on the body, where the strands have been previously removed. Hair grown under the skin can appear on the face, scalp, armpit, arms, pubic area and legs.

Although hairs grown under the skin usually do not pose any health risks, they can be annoying, having an unsightly appearance.

Why do hairs that grow under the skin appear?

Hair grown under the skin
The structure of the hair follicle affects the hairs growing under the skin.

The factor that causes hair growth under the skin is the structure of the hair itself and the direction in which it grows. For example, curved hair follicles make it easier for the hair to re-enter the skin after it has been removed.

When certain hairs start to grow back, they grow under the skin. Some of these threads are very sharp after using the razor blade. This tends to happen especially when the hair is dry at the time of epilation.

How to prevent hair grown under the skin

The best way to prevent hair from growing under the skin is to avoid epilation. Human beings have hair on every area of ​​the body, except the soles, palms and mucous membranes. The hair is there to protect the skin and not for aesthetic purposes.

Hair protects the body from dust, dirt, sun and wind. Hair also plays an important role in defending against bacteria and other microorganisms. They help to insulate the body and regulate its temperature.

How to prevent hair grown under the skin avoiding blade epilation
Hair removal alters its natural growth and increases the likelihood of developing hairs growing under the skin.

The hair on our body absorbs perspiration, so that it does not cause irritation or rash. Also hairs sweat redirects to other areas of the body that need moisture or do so to keep dry some regions.

As mentioned earlier, hair removal affects the natural growth of hair. Avoiding hair removal is the best way to prevent hair growing under the skin.

And yet…

Many people do not want to have body hair. Therefore, there are some useful measures to prevent hair grown under the skin after epilation. The most recommended methods to decrease the likelihood of developing hairs growing under the skin include:

  • Regular exfoliation. This allows the pores to stay clean and moisturize the skin. Exfoliation also facilitates hair removal and provides better results.
  • Proper hydration of the skin. If you do not drink enough water, your skin becomes rougher and drier. Rough skin prevents new hairs from penetrating and growing properly.
  • Prepare the skin with warm water and shower gel before removing the hair. Before removing your hair, you need to moisturize your skin well with warm water and shower gel. This helps to open the pores and decreases the likelihood of hairs growing under the skin.
  • Applying lotions. It is good to apply a gel or moisturizer before epilation. This product moisturizes the skin and softens the hair.
  •  Using the right blade. It is best not to use the same razor blade more than three times. After several uses, the blade becomes dull and may damage the skin. The number of razor blades does not matter. Each person should try a few different types of appliances and decide which one is best for them.
  • Frequency of epilation. To prevent the growth of hairs grown under the skin, you should epilate every two days. If this is not possible, try to do it as often as possible.
  • Proper hair removal. The razor blade should be used in the same direction as the hair. This does not alter the natural growth of the strands, as does the use of the blade against the direction of hair growth.
  • Skin tightening. Avoid tightening your skin while removing hair at all costs. This causes the hair to retract and the hair to become thicker.
  • Proper cleaning. After shaving, the blade should be rinsed well. You should also rinse the area that has been epilated very well, then apply a moisturizer for sensitive skin or a special lotion after shaving.

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