How Can You Identify And Treat Postpartum Depression?

Although the arrival of the baby is a long-awaited moment, some mothers may experience an intense feeling of sadness. How do you recognize this condition and how can you treat postpartum depression? Read on to find out the answers to these questions and more!
How can you identify and treat postpartum depression?

Although the arrival of a baby is a very emotional time for the family, some mothers may experience an inexplicable and intense feeling of sadness that persists over time. Today, we want to go into detail on this topic and talk about how you can identify and treat postpartum depression.

According to a study by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, this type of depression affects 10-15% of women. In fact, just because a woman wants to have a baby and is planning her pregnancy does not mean that she cannot suffer from postpartum depression.

Apparently, the sudden drop in hormones that the body experiences after birth can be a trigger for this condition. However, it is not the only factor that contributes to depression.

One of the most difficult parts is dealing with social and family prejudices. Although depression is a common problem, there are still many people who reject and misunderstand this disease. As a result, many women repress their feelings to look happy. Let’s analyze the problem in detail!

What is postpartum depression?

Sad mother with baby in her arms

Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that occurs after birth or even two to three months later. It is characterized by extreme sadness, a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion, anxiety and general malaise. These symptoms can last from a few weeks to several months.

At first, it is easy to confuse this disorder with postpartum sadness. The difference is that in postpartum depression, the symptoms are more intense and long lasting. Moreover, they interfere with the ability to care for the child and perform daily tasks.

Women often have great difficulty with their children, in addition to feelings of worthlessness and not being a good mother.

Many women are ashamed of how they feel and do not ask for help. Much of the reason is society’s view of the birth of a child as a moment of joy and emotion. However, it is important to remember that there is no right way to deal with motherhood. Therefore, it is important to ask for help when we are not feeling well.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

  •  Extreme fatigue and inability to get

Tips to treat postpartum depression

Therapist who can treat postpartum depression

It is difficult to determine how long postpartum depression will last. However, most cases improve within a few weeks. Whatever the case, doctors say it ‘s important to treat postpartum depression early to prevent prolonged symptoms.

The treatment of postpartum depression is very similar to that of any other depression. However, before resorting to medication, doctors recommend psychological therapy sessions, especially when the mother is breastfeeding.

Psychotherapy can take place individually or in a group setting. If necessary, family therapy can be used to work with the couple or certain close relatives.

In addition, it will be necessary for the mother to rest well and eat healthily. Constant practice of healthy habits helps to improve mood and reduce the risk of recurrence.

Strategies for preventing postpartum depression

Woman who knows how to treat postpartum depression

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