How And When To Take Spirulina

Because spirulina can cause certain side effects due to its cleansing action, it is important to start consuming small doses, which you can then gradually increase.
How and when to take spirulina

How and when to take spirulina? Nowadays, this seaweed is consumed as a dietary supplement or superfood to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals in a simple and natural way.

Read on to discover its main properties. At the same time, we will show you how and when to consume spirulina to take full advantage of the benefits it offers.

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is found in salt-poor, alkaline and warm waters. Its name is due to the spiral shape, and its scientific name is Arthrospira .

Spirulina is one of the most complete and nutritious foods available. These properties were demonstrated by NASA in 1988, when spirulina was included in the diet of astronauts.

The Aztecs consumed it to increase their energy levels, so that they could overcome physical challenges. Thus, spirulina is an ideal supplement for athletes.

The nutritional value of spirulina

Example of how and when to consume spirulina

Due to its excellent nutritional value, spirulina is effective in treating a wide range of deficiencies and ameliorating certain disorders. Here is its composition:

  • First of all, it is one of the best vegetable sources of protein with high biological value. Spirulina is made up of 65-70% protein.
  • This alga is rich in chlorophyll, a green pigment that stands out due to its incredible detoxifying potential.
  • Spirulina has a significant content of vitamins B, C, D and E.
  • Contains minerals such as potassium, selenium, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
  • It also contains digestive enzymes.
  • Due to its natural pigments (chlorophyll, carotenoids and phycocyanin), spirulina has antioxidant properties.
  • Last but not least, 7% of the composition of spirulina is represented by essential fatty acids.

Health benefits of spirulina

How and when to take spirulina capsules and powder

Spirulina offers incredible health benefits:

  • Stimulates weight loss, which is why it is advisable to include it in our diet for weight loss. Spirulina is satiating, activating the metabolism and stimulating fat burning.
  • Supports the beneficial bacterial flora and regulates the process of cleansing the intestines.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Relieves joint pain.
  • Prevents osteoporosis.
  • Prevents and fights anemia, helping you avoid iron supplements.
  • It has incredible purifying power. Thus, spirulina stimulates the natural elimination of toxins that accumulate in the body and causes disease.
  • Improves energy levels, while reducing fatigue and stress.
  • Improves concentration and memory.
  • Facilitates digestion.
  • Strengthens the immune system and accelerates the recovery process during the convalescence period.
  • Its antioxidant properties prevent the appearance of signs of aging and cell damage caused by factors such as free radicals or stress.
  • Improves kidney function.

So how and when to take spirulina?

How and when to consume spirulina powder

To determine how and when to take spirulina, you need to consider your goals.

  • If you want to lose weight: Take spirulina half an hour before each meal with a glass of water. In this way, the seaweed will produce a feeling of natural satiety, helping you to eat less without starving yourself.
  • If you want to gain weight: Take spirulina after a meal with a dessert.
  • If you want to treat a specific disease: Take spirulina on an empty stomach, one hour before meals.
  • As a natural supplement: Include it in green smoothies with green fruits and vegetables.

We advise you to opt for high quality organic spirulina, without harmful elements in the composition. This alga has a very high absorption power.

Recommended dose

How and when to consume spirulina dissolved in water

You can take either spirulina powder combined with water or food, or capsules or tablets.

The indicated starting dose is 500 mg (or 1 g) of spirulina, 1-3 times a day. This dose may be increased gradually, depending on your body’s reaction. It is best to take spirulina under the supervision of a doctor.

Because spirulina has significant diuretic power, it is essential to start with a low dose. Otherwise, you risk experiencing unwanted side effects, such as headaches or bowel disorders.

We advise you to drink plenty of water (at least 6-8 glasses a day) outside of meals during treatment.

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