Homeopathic Remedies For Burnout Syndrome

Burnout syndrome is a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion caused by excessive exposure to stress at work. Read the next article to discover the best homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome!
Homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome

Homeopathic remedies are not a first-line treatment for diseases; however, some appear to help reduce the symptoms of burnout syndrome. This condition has recently been recognized as an emotional disorder by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to this entity, it is a state of mental exhaustion related to the work environment and the stress it produces. Therefore, affected people may have poor performance, prolonged fatigue, negative work-related feelings and physical problems. Below, we will talk about 4 homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome.

Homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome

Before discussing homeopathic remedies for burnout, it is important to remember the importance of consulting a professional. First, you should consult your doctor about the presence of physical symptoms, such as sleep disorders, headaches and digestive problems.

If your doctor does not find organic causes for these problems, he or she may suggest a visit to another specialist, such as a psychologist. This mental health professional is tasked with checking for physical and psychological symptoms to see if they correspond to burnout syndrome. In addition, it may recommend additional diagnostic tests, such as:

Busy and stressed man at work
Burnout syndrome is associated with working conditions that put too much pressure on the employee.

One of the main recommended homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome is Acidum Phosphoricum 15 CH. According to information from DailyMed, one of the sites operated by the US National Library of Medicine, this product helps to temporarily relieve the symptoms of mental fatigue.

The product supports the health of the nervous system and therefore can reduce problems such as insomnia, drowsiness and headaches. The recommendation is to consume 3 to 5 granules 3 times a day or as prescribed by your homeopath.

Important Note: According to the quoted source, this homeopathic remedy has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and therefore there are no data on its safety and effectiveness. Therefore, you should use it with caution, following the advice of a specialist.

Experts recommend Ignatia Amara 15 CH for the physical and emotional symptoms of burnout syndrome. Helps reduce emotional tachycardia, fear, anxiety and depressive symptoms. According to José Ignacio Torres, family doctor and homeopathic specialist, the supplement also helps against insomnia and tension headaches.

This professional points out that, although this remedy can be helpful, many patients also need psychotherapy or other types of medication. Therefore, consulting a psychologist should always be the first option. In addition, if you suffer from other diseases or are under a certain treatment, it is best to avoid taking the supplement and go to the doctor.

We must remember that these types of products are not supported by scientific evidence and are not without side effects. Therefore, your doctor or homeopath will help you determine the safe dose in each situation.

In an article in Farmacia Profesional, Concepción Calleja Peredo, president of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Cantabria, explains that Aconitum Napellus is a useful drug in cases of panic, with or without agoraphobia.

Generally, experts recommend it for episodes of anxiety and depression, such as those present in people with burnout syndrome. It is also recommended for episodes of insomnia or nocturnal awakenings, which are manifested along with anxiety and agitation.

The recommended dose of Aconitum napellus 15 CH consists of a certain number of granules per day, depending on the symptoms. The specialist must determine the exact dose.

Woman who needs homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome
Aconitum napellus is recommended if the patient has episodes of insomnia or nocturnal awakenings.

In the same publication by Dr. Calleja Peredo, Argentum nitricum is recommended as a homeopathic remedy for anxiety. In general, it helps those who suffer from fear of anticipation or phobias, such as boarding a plane, taking an exam, attending a meeting, and so on.

It is also useful in case of symptoms such as tremors, diarrhea, dizziness and tension headaches. In employees affected by burnout syndrome, it is an ally against stress and fatigue. The homeopath should determine the appropriate dose for each case.

Improving the work environment is important when it comes to burnout syndrome

Because this problem is directly related to workplace stress, it is important to approach burnout syndrome in several ways. In addition to complementary homeopathic remedies for burnout syndrome, it is important to improve your work environment to make it more enjoyable.

If the stress at work is not reduced, the consequences can be serious. For this reason, we recommend that you consult a psychologist and learn techniques to manage your emotions.

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