Herpes: Prevention And Natural Treatments

Once contracted, this virus remains dormant in the body, appearing only when you have a weakened immune system. 
Herpes: prevention and natural treatments

Herpes is caused by a virus that is easy to spread, which is difficult to eradicate, but there are several effective natural treatments against it.

First you feel some tingling or itching in your lips. You look in the mirror and you don’t see anything. After a few days the itching worsens and you notice that the herpes has reappeared.

The herpes virus, so easily spread but difficult to eradicate, can be prevented. But if you have already contracted it, you can only prevent it from erupting. Herpes, methods of prevention and treatment: find out more about this condition in today’s article.

A strong immune system is essential

Herpes is caused by a virus that spreads in two ways:

  • Word of mouth (by kiss)
  • By contact with contaminated objects (toothbrushes, glasses, cosmetics, etc.)

Once you’ve contracted the virus, you can’t get rid of it. But don’t worry – it can stay dormant in the nervous system without ever bothering you. But for that you need a strong immune system.

If you contracted the virus, most likely at that time you had weakened immunity. The virus managed to enter the body and remained there.

If you want to prevent herpes from erupting again, which is very annoying and embarrassing, you need to take more care of your immune system. How? With the help of a healthy diet and exercise.

Other triggers may be:

  • Stress
  • Sun exposure
  • Lack of sleep

Fights herpes with natural treatments

There are not many natural treatments for the virus that causes herpes, because not much is known about the virus itself. However, many people have “said goodbye” to unsightly herpes due to these 100% natural treatments. Do you want to know what they are?

Ice treats herpes

This is one of the most popular ways to treat herpes. All you have to do is put an ice cube over the eruption.

Keep it there for 10 minutes or until the ice melts. Repeat the procedure after two hours.

Ice reduces inflammation in that area and relieves pain. This treatment only works when the blister is still intact (before it opens and begins to flow, at which point the virus is most easily spread).

Hot compresses

You can treat herpes with hot compresses

This treatment can be used in the second stage of herpes, when the blisters open and flow. It is very important to avoid contact with your partner or children at this stage, because you can make them sick too.

It is advisable to separate your cosmetics and personal care products from other people in the house. You can apply one of the following  hot compresses on your lips :

  • An ironed towel
  • A cloth soaked in hot water

Tea bags

Here is another option for the second stage of herpes. Make a black tea in the usual way. Allow the sachet to drain and cool for one minute.

Apply it on the lips, pressing lightly, until it cools completely. Wait two hours, then repeat the treatment.

Essential oils

Essential oils treat herpes

Any essential oil you have on hand can be useful, but the most effective are mint and lemon.

Just apply a few drops on a piece of cotton wool and apply it on the affected area. It will calm her down and relieve the discomfort.


This remedy can sting a little. But it is far too effective not to be taken into account. Put a few granules of sugar on the blisters. Not only does sugar dry out and relieve pain, but it also removes bacteria from the area.

Medicinal herbs

You can treat herpes with herbs

In this case, you have two options: internal use or external use. Regarding the first option, you can make a tea, and in the second you can apply the plant directly on the lip. The most recommended plants are:

  • Salvia
  • Valerian root
  • Mint
  • Echinacea

The teas prepared from these plants strengthen your immune system and fight the virus, increasing your resistance to microorganisms that transmit the disease.

If you want to apply a local treatment, prepare a tea on a regular basis, soak a piece of cotton wool in this liquid and apply it on the affected area. You will notice that this remedy dries herpes faster than any other.

Sea salt

Sea salt treats herpes

This is the most powerful remedy of all. Maybe you’ve already tried it and you know what we mean. But you have to be strong enough to stand it…

Either way, it’s really worth it. There are 3 variants available:

Salt with water

Mix a tablespoon of sea salt with a few drops of water until you get a paste. Apply it on herpes with a piece of cotton wool and let it act as long as you can bear. Rinse with warm water. Repeat three times a day.

Salt with toothpaste

Replace the water in the previous recipe with a little toothpaste. Put the mixture on herpes, leave it on overnight and remove it the next morning.

Salt with lemon

Cut a piece of lemon and sprinkle with salt. Apply it over herpes by pressing lightly. It is a very painful remedy! Repeat (if you can) twice each day.

Apply any of these natural treatments to get rid of the annoying herpes, but don’t forget to take a series of prevention measures.

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