Healthy Recipes With Baked Avocado

This tropical fruit, in addition to its special aroma, contains many healthy nutrients. In this article, discover three delicious avocado recipes so that you can enjoy it in different ways.
Healthy recipes with baked avocado

Avocado is a fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and fiber. Because it is very rich in nutrients, it is important to prepare healthy avocado recipes so that you can include it in your daily menu to take care of your health. Do you know how to use avocado?

In this article, we will share three avocado recipes to help you be healthier while enjoying its flavor. These include a green detox smoothie, an amazing lemon ice cream with dairy-free avocado and a very nutritious chocolate dessert.

Healthy avocado recipes

1. Detoxifying green smoothie

Healthy avocado recipes by the glass
To make the smoothie taste better, add the fruits you like best.

Green smoothies are in vogue these days. They are a simple and practical way to eat fruits and vegetables at any time of the day. Despite the fact that it is green, you should not worry about the taste of this smoothie, because the fruits you will add will give it a delicious flavor.

Try this green smoothie with avocado and seasonal fruit. Avocado will give it a creamy consistency, and the fruit will bring extra nutrients beneficial to health. This is why the detoxifying green smoothie is the perfect choice for breakfast or as a snack between meals.

Necessary ingredients

Method of preparation

2. Lemon and avocado ice cream

Healthy recipes with avocado and lemon
This ice cream is ideal for those who cannot consume dairy products.

Avocado contains healthy fats, so it can be the perfect substitute for cream or mascarpone.

This recipe allows you to prepare a very creamy ice cream without dairy products. Don’t worry about the taste, because the lemon will perfectly mask the avocado flavor.

Necessary ingredients

Method of preparation

3. Creamy dessert with avocado and chocolate

Avocado and chocolate sweets

At the end, we present you a very easy recipe to prepare, which is similar to a natural yogurt, but does not contain dairy products, sugars or additives. Using avocado, you can make a creamy dessert that will surprise the whole family. Combine it with cocoa powder. In this way, you will increase the energy value of this dessert. Also, no one will notice that this delicious dessert contains avocado.

Necessary ingredients

Method of preparation

Enjoy these healthy avocado recipes

We hope you will prepare these three amazing avocado recipes to take care of your health while enjoying the taste of this tropical fruit. Prepare these recipes for the whole family. We are sure that everyone will love them!

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