Healthy Dinner For Restful Sleep

Are you having a hard time sleeping in the evening? Be careful what you choose to eat at the last meal of the day. Opt for healthy, sleep-inducing foods.
Healthy dinner for restful sleep

If you find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up frequently during the night, we advise you not to rush to use medications or natural remedies. Try to serve a healthy dinner for a restful sleep before going to bed.

In this article we will present you some examples of simple, delicious and healthy dinner, which will help you to have a restful sleep in a natural way.

Healthy dinner for restful sleep

Lettuce soup

Lettuce, one of the foods that should not be missing from any healthy diet, has a relaxing effect on the body. But if not chewed well, lettuce can cause indigestion, which is why many people avoid eating this vegetable in the evening.

To avoid the problem just mentioned and to be able to take advantage of all the benefits of lettuce for dinner, we suggest you try a somewhat unconventional recipe: lettuce soup.

When making this soup, look at lettuce like any other green leafy vegetable, such as seaweed or spinach. You can combine it with potatoes or oatmeal to give the soup a creamier texture. Another option is to prepare an infusion of lettuce, which you can drink before bed.

Healthy sleep for restful sleep with vegetable soup

Oatmeal and pumpkin soup

In the recipe presented above, we suggested you to include oatmeal in your soups. This cereal is not only nutritious, but also useful for regulating the nervous system. Oats contain a substance with sedative properties, called avenin. Moreover, oats are rich in the complex of B vitamins, magnesium and Omega-3 fatty acids.

To prepare this recipe, we advise you to combine oatmeal with pumpkin, a vegetable that has the ability to keep your blood sugar in balance for several hours, which is essential if you want to have a restful and uninterrupted sleep.

Prepare a stir-fry with a little oil, adding pieces of pumpkin and any other vegetables you want. Boil the mixture together with the oatmeal for 15 minutes.

Baked apple with cinnamon and nuts

An old proverb tells us that an apple a day can help us keep the doctor at bay. If you fail to eat this fruit during the day, the evening is a good time to take advantage of its benefits. However, avoid including other fruits in your evening meal as they tend to make sleep difficult due to their acidity or sweet taste.

The apple has a neutral pH, being very beneficial for the liver, which is why you can serve this fruit at any time of the day. We advise you to try the following traditional recipe for dinner, if you want to have a restful sleep:

  • Peel an apple (or leave the peel intact if the apple is organic) and soak it in cinnamon, a spice that supports digestion and has relaxing properties.
  • You can also add a little honey or cane sugar on top.
  • Bake the apple for 20 minutes.
  • Serve with nuts and a little yogurt.
Peeled fruit

Fetish salad and goat cheese

Fetish has become a popular alternative to lettuce. With purifying and relaxing properties, this slightly spicy vegetable gives a special taste to your salad and helps you get a restful sleep.

You can also include some fresh goat cheese in the recipe. Dairy products make you drowsy, and goat’s cheese is easier to digest than cow’s cheese. Another ingredient you can include in your salad is pumpkin seeds. They are rich in zinc, a mineral that helps eliminate stress.

Healthy dinner for restful sleep

Wild asparagus and turkey

Here is another healthy dinner idea for a restful, quick and simple sleep, which will help you sleep well thanks to the tryptophan content of its main ingredients. Tryptophan is an amino acid that relieves stress and can help you relax and improve your mood.

Fry the asparagus on the grill, then wrap it in turkey, a high-protein meat.

Baked banana and cottage cheese

This healthy restful sleep dinner is also very relaxing and helps you sleep well every night. However, being much more nutritious than the other meals we have presented in this article, we recommend that you try this recipe only if you are used to serving dinner early or exercising.

Bananas contain melatonin, tryptophan and magnesium, three essential nutrients for a good night’s sleep. Cow’s cheese is rich in calcium, protein and tryptophan.

Bake the bananas for 20 minutes, then add the cottage cheese. You can sweeten this preparation with a little honey. You got a wonderful healthy dinner for a restful sleep!

Photo source: hashinjutsu, torbakhopper, Chris Campbell and Richard Scoop.

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